Chapter 28: At the Thomas's

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Friday had come quicker than I wanted it to, but the important part is that it was here.

It took days to prepare for today. The last few nights Will and Kol we're pulling all nighters to make sure if anything went wrong, they had a contingency plan for it.

Will said they had finished a plan B in case something goes wrong, but I'm not allowed in it. They say it's for my protection, but I'm hesitant.

I just want this to go over smoothly, and for everyone including Lucas to come out alive and fine.

I sigh as I look out the window of the car. The tinted windows make the outside look so gloomy and dark on the bright sunny day, but it reflects how I feel.

If it was my choice, then none of this would even be happening. Lucas's life wouldn't be on the line, my brother wouldn't be a psychopath, I wouldn't have to trade my life, the RGG would be safe, and I would be fine to live my life and love the boy I chose, but no, only in a perfect world; which this definitely is not.

This world is filled with violence, liars, backstabbers, betrayers, martyrs, and broken hearts.

I sigh deeply.

The black, bullet proof SUV I'm sitting in smells strongly of leather and metal from the heavy firearms that lay in the trunk of the car.

Kol called it the "professional" vehicle used for business such as drug deals, arms dealings, and anything worse gang related that doesn't require a suped-up race car.

The sad part about driving in this vehicle is I cannot travel with Willem, Nikki, or even Kol.

'It's too risky', Kol claimed.

I don't blame him, I mean, Liam could strike an attack on this vehicle at any moment in an attempt to kill either Kol or Will thinking they'll be in the car, but the only person in the car would be a nicely paid thug and myself.

"How much longer, Maliki?" I ask out of boredom.

"The drop site is a few more miles up the road, Ms. Thomas." His voice was sharp and very business-like.

He must do many of drops then. I think to myself.

"I don't understand why Liam if having the drop two hours from Samton City. It makes no sense." I rant into the air. It's not like he's paying attention to me.

"That's not my job to figure out, Ms. Thomas. I'm usually just the driver, and if I'm not the driver then I'm something else more classified." He says keeping his stare forward, not even glancing back at me.

I sigh out of boredom and look out the window at the passing trees.

I was given a new phone when I joined the gang, so Liam wouldn't track my previous one, and we threw the previous one away. Plus I was given strict orders not to use the new phone while being with Liam unless it was needed or an emergency.

I think curing boredom is an emergency. I think to myself.

Adjusting my position in what felt the most closed off space ever, I close my eyes in attempt to fall asleep, but my nerves are shot. There's no way I'm sleeping, so I decide to just count each tree that the car passes.

After about another forty-five minutes of driving, Maliki veers off the road on to a beaten path. My heart rate picks up as he pulls up to an opening in the woods.

The drop site.

He pulls up and there were already cars surrounding the man-made circle.

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