Chapter 21: Thomas Titans

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Willem's POV:

Kol and I were talking in his office about the past weekend, my races, my fights, when there was a knock on the door. I look to him, but he just smirked.

He stood up to go answer it, "It must be Savannah. We're...well you know what we'll be doing."

I roll my eyes as I lean back in the chair, lighting a cigarette. Kol opens the door, but to our surprise, a frantic Nikole was on the other side.

She rushes into the room repeating the words 'this is not good'.

Confused, Kol speaks up, "What's not good, Nikks?"

"They're back Kol." Kol and I share a look. She just sighs in exasperation. "The Titans, they are the ones who are back."

He runs a hand through his hair, "Shit."

He darts over to his desk, opening various drawers.

"Can someone explain who these "titans" are because that would be great" I say, annoyed, looking between the two of them. I take a pull of my cigarette.

Nikki crosses her arms, "They're our oldest rivals. They're-"

"Fucking finally." Kol slams a file down on the desk. "The Thomas Titans. Like Nikki said, they were our oldest rival, emphasis on the were. That gang died out years ago, when Keegan Thomas left without a trace. Some say he moved towns or died."

"Keegan Thomas?, that's-" Nikki talks over me before I finish my sentence.

"He could have taken up an apprentice before he left." She offers.

Kol shakes his head, "Impossible. He never had a kid, and you know how important blood lines are in this town, especially with gangs."

"Yeah, but that's the only logical explanation." She argues. I decide to speak up.

"But what if it's not, and what if the bloodline didn't die off?" They look at my like I grew a second head.

"What are babbling about baby brother?" Kol speaks, annoyed.

I lean forward on my elbows, crossing my fingers behind my head, "Keegan Thomas had a kid, three actually."

They look confused, "And how the fuck do you know that, Will?"

I look to my brother, "Because Keegan Thomas is Logan's father."

Uncomfortable silence filled room as everyone tried to process what I had just said.

After a few minutes Kol snaps himself back to reality, "Motherfucker."

He starts towards to door, I snap up from my seat. I step in front of him placing my hand on his chest.

"Move, baby brother." I don't budge. "Now, Willem, or would you rather me break that pretty face of yours, hmm?"

"Just wait a second alright." I give him a slight push back. "Logan, I'm hundred percent sure, doesn't know about her father okay."

He scoffs straightening his leather jacket. "And how do you know that?"

"Because I didn't know about mine." He seems to accept that answer as he backs down a little, but he doesn't let the issue go.

"I want her down here now." He comes up to me leaning close to my face. "The Hummingbird and I are going to talk, and if you are wrong, Crow, you better start looking for another bird to mate."

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