Chapter 9: Hospital

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I come back into reality not noticing that I'm still screaming. All I can see is blood. Blood on Willem's clothes and face. Blood on Kol's fist. Blood on the ground. There's blood everywhere. The fist fight between these two teens is intense. I snap myself out of my horrid trance.

"Willem! Kol!" I run over and pull Kol off of Willem using every ounce of strength in my body to rip them apart. Kol falls to his back as a town person grabs a hold of Kol to restraint him.I drop to my knees as I pin Willem down by his shoulders. I ignore the tons of blood on his jacket as I try to restraint him. "Willem, Willem, Willem stop! Relax!"

I'm screaming at him at the top of my lungs. He starts to calm a little, but still seems agitated. I look at his beaten face: Most likely a broken nose, a busted lip, blood scars his face, and his piercing blue eyes contradicted the blood around them. With the beaten look he still looked stunning.

"Logan" He coughs out. I look at him supporting his head on my legs"Logan, I need-I need to tell you that- that *Coughs* I'm sorry."

I look all over his face trying to read it. He looks vulnerable.

"Shhh Don't talk. We'll talk when you're alright" I smile down at him. He smiles back. I shouldn't be forgiving him so easily. I should be taking Kol's side as he did defend me. I should let the police that just pulled up deal with Willem's beaten body, but I'm not. He draws me in, and I can't seem to leave him.

I help him to his feet. I try to wrap his arm around my shoulders, but he rejects. Damn guys always have such big egos.

"I don't need help *coughs* I'm ok" He chokes out. He pulls away, but almost falls in the process.

"You need my help. Not cut the big ego shit, and get you some help." I say to him not caring that it might 'bruise the bad boy's ego'. He grumbles reluctantly putting some of his weight onto me. I internally smile at my win.

We eventually make it to the 24 hour emergency room after we talked to the police and they decided Willem was not guilty because he didn't throw the first punch. We're waiting in the little, blue and white waiting room. Willem does some quick paperwork while I contemplate Willem and my feelings for him. There's no denying that I have an attraction to him, but can I ever forgive him is the problem. I want to in my heart, but my brain tells me to run, runaway from him because he will only cause you trouble.

"There, done." I snap out of my thoughts as Willem clicks the pen stating he is finished with an annoyed tone. He walks the papers up, placing them down on the counter with a huff. He sits back down, and all I can do is stare at him. "What? Like what you see baby?"

"Yes because I love seeing limping, bloody, and beaten boys." I bitterly snap at him.

"Well hey, that's the second fight I've been in the past week over you. I think that should say something." He says fishing for some hope that I'm not still mad at him.

"Fist fighting over me, how middle school of you" I meagerly smile back at him. He rolls his eyes with a smile, but winces as he tries to shift his body to face me. "See, karma."

"I think my nose, black eye, and swollen knuckles are karma enough" He tries to hold in the pain, but his voice fails him. He grabs onto the chair handle to support himself. I stare at him concerningly.

Suddenly the door opens and a nurse in a pink and white outfit peaks her head out from behind the door.

"Uh...Willem Arrowood?" She looks around. We both stand up. I follow Willem through the door, and into the check up room. He sits on the table, and I sit in the chair. "Hello, I am nurse Morgan, I'm just here to get the basics sweetie."

She does the basic, what hurts, what happened, temperature, etc.

"Well, son, from what you're telling me, you might have to get a x-Ray of those bones of yours. But, the doctor will be in soon to confirm it." With that she smiles and leaves the room closing the door. The room is now filled with awkward silence.

"So..uh...." We stupidly say at the same time. We look away from each other. It's so dumb, I smile inwardly to myself. We sit in the awkward silence until the doctor opens the door.

"Hello, Mr. Arrowood. I've been examining your results and my the looks of it you're confirmed for X-rays. And for that eye, just put some ice on it and wear sunglasses for a weak and you'll be good." He smiles at Willem. He writes a few things down on his clip board. Before speaking again.

"Now, you're going to need to put on these" He bends down and opens a cabinet pulling out hospital garb. He hands it to him gently. He glances to me with a knowingly smile, and then leaves. I look to Willem and he looks to me. He shrugs his shoulders, jumps down off the table, and starts to strip.

"Woah, woah, woah" I say putting my hands over my eyes. "A warning next time would be great"

"Well I didn't think you'd care, I mean you've caught me naked twice now so..." He says continuing to strip. I hear the clothes fall to the floor, and some shuffling of other clothes so I assume he's dressed for the most part. "Ok, i'm dressed you can look now. "

I remove my hand from eyes, and I find a mostly naked Willem smirking. I gasp and my face goes red. I immediately turn to anger.

"Willem! I thought you said you were dressed!" I quietly scream at him. His signature smirk is plastered to his face as he's happy that he's flustered me.

"Oh come on! You can't complain when this body is in front of you" He says wiggling his eyebrows gesturing to his obviously chiseled body. I do a quick scan over, then cover my eyes again. "Oh it's not that bad."

He grabs my wrists pulling them away from my face. I hold my eyes shut as tight as possible. He let's go of my my wrist, and I feel my body being picked up. I feel my body being sat down, and a crunching beneath me. I open my eyes and Willem is two freaking inches from my face with a happy smirk. I just stare a his face with a blank stare.

"Hey" He smiles at me.

"H-hi" I look at him flustered. He leans in a plants a warm kiss on my lips. I want to give in, but I can't. I'm mad at him, and I need to stay that way. I pull away. "I'm-I'm sorry. I-I- I can't. I'm mad at you."

"Logan, I know I fucked up, but please forgive me" He looks into my eyes waiting on a response. I sigh an exaggerated sigh. "Logan, please."

"Get dressed Willem. You have to get your x-rays." I look down, jumping off the table. I turn around crossing my arms. He sighs, and I hear him change into clothing. I turn around, and he's the x-ray robe. "Good now we wait on the doctor."

"Yeah..." He says scratching the back of his head nervously. I find it funny how he is always so calm and collected, but he is so flustered right now.




My phone starts to buzz, and I answer the call without looking at the I.D.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hello Logan. I think you should come across the hall and give me an apology. I think I deserve it." The new, but all too familiar voice says in a happy quip.


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