Chapter 33: Weekend in Vegas Part 1

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Light had barely hit the sky. Everyone in the world was probably still asleep, but I had found myself wide awake, twisted in the white sheets of some hotel Logan and I had stumbled into the night before. There was too much on my mind. My thoughts were running ramp. I was about to make the biggest decision of my life.

I turned over to face her. She was asleep on her stomach, her tangle of brown hair falling in waves down her bare back. The bluish haze of the light the window let in was enough to see her every curve. She looked like a goddess with Heaven's rays surrounding her.

I reached out to carefully, graze my fingers against her cheek. Her skin was velvety soft. She made a soft moaning noise but showed no signs of waking up. I pulled my hand away not wanting to wake her. I loved to watch her sleep. She was my rock, my solace. She grounded me.

She was so peaceful as she slept.

I could watch her forever. Forever being the operative word.

I smiled thinking of the night before. We had partied hard last night and fucked ever harder when we got to the hotel room. But the most important part was I had asked her to marry me...or well told her to marry me.

She probably didn't believe me since I was higher than a kite, but I meant it. I wanted to marry her. She was the love of my life.

I leaned forward, placing a light kiss on her lips, waking her.

Her eyes flutter open, green depths of soul encompassing captivity pulling me in, and she smiled

God, this woman was my life.

She had nestled her way into my heart when we were kids and she never left. I didn't want her to leave, not ever.

I wouldn't be alive right now if it wasn't for her. She made sure I had a future, and I couldn't bear to live another day without knowing that she was going to be mine.

I watched as her long lashes curve as she looked up at me. I had to touch her again. I cupped her cheek as my thumbed caressed her cheeks. She snuggled her head into my hand.

"Marry me," I whispered.

In the dim light, I watched as her eyes searched my face. She was looking for doubt, but she wouldn't find any. I was so confident in the fact that I wanted to marry her. Whatever she found in her search seemed to please her because she smiled; a small lift at the corner of her lips. She always tried to conceal her natural smile. I always hated it, but now I get it. Everyone hated her, trying to change her. But I always loved her the way she was.

"We both know that you aren't the marrying kind, Will," She said just as quietly with only a hint of humor in her voice.

I should feel offended that she was mocking my proposal, but I knew I couldn't. I put her through a lot of stress. Jealousy was our biggest downfall. Making each other jealous using others at our own dispense was our most toxic issue.

I just smiled, and pulled her closer to my body

"Logie, for you, I'm a changed man." She gave me a pointed look. So, I rolled us so that her smaller frame was tucked beneath mine, "I want to marry you, Logan Rene Thomas. So say yes. Marry me."

Her lips broke into a grin. The real smile. The smile I fell in love with. She kissed the top of my nose, "You know maybe try asking instead of demanding. It might get you a little further."

"I can get down on one knee too, if that will make it more official?" I smirked, but I was sincere about it. I'd do anything she asked of me.

She shook her head with a laugh, "It'll be a cold day in hell when you start being conventional."

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