Chapter 38: The End

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The two twins watched from their window as a new family moved next door. Their little faces were pressed up against the glass as they watched the little boy with raven hair emerge from the car with a toy car in hand. They looked at each other excitedly before they ran from their bedroom through the house, and out onto the front porch.

The little boy looked up from where he was, and a bright smile grew on his face as the little boy realized he had friends living next door.He ran over to the two boys who were running over to him. Once the three boys met in the middle, they quickly started to talke.

"Hi!" The young boy exclaimed, "What's your name?"

The boy with dark green eyes and light brown hair answered, "My names, Liam, and this is my brother, Lucas."

Liam pointed to his brother, who didn't speak, waved, smiling at the other boy.

The raven-haired boy waved back, "My names Willem, but everyone calls me Will."

Being the young children they were, they had quickly changed the subject from names to playing games, "Do you wanna ride bikes?"

Willem asked his two new friends.

"Yeah! That sounds so fun!" The twins cheered together.

The twins quickly ran to their garage, pulling out their matching green bikes, while Willem ran to the moving truck, pulling out his red, gold, and black bike.

They met back in the middle of their two houses, before making their way onto the street to ride around in circles. They did for about ten minutes before a new member was forced to join their group.

"Boys! Logan is coming outside to play!" The twin boys' mom called from the front porch. At the sound of the motherly voice, Will turned his head to see the young girl waddle her way down the porch steps.

"Woah, who's that?" He asked the two boys as they continued to ride their bikes.

"That's my sister." Liam spoke, not paying much attention to his younger sister. Frankly, he didn't want his baby sister to come play with him and his friends. She was always annoying to him. A thorn in his side.

"Your sister's pretty." Will's five year old heart skipped a beat at the young girl. He was so enthralled by her dark brown hair, her light eyes, and her beautiful sundress that flowed when she walked.

"Hey, watch out!" Liam screamed before he and Will crashed head on because of Will's lack of attention. Will's bike bounced backwards, leaving him perfectly fine, but Liam's bike hit the ground hard.

"Ah!" Liam screamed as he hit the ground, rolling on the ground a bit before a wailing cry broke out as he gripped his scraped knees in pain.

The second twin and Willem ran the other boy scream-crying on the ground. They were trying to reassure him that everything was going to be okay, but he wasn't listening. He wanted the mean boy that knocked him to the ground to go away, but Will didn't. He wanted to apologize like his mother had taught him. He wanted the boy to feel better. He hated seeing others in pain. It broke his small heart. He never wanted to hurt anybody.

He heard the pattering of feet against the hard ground, running towards him. He looked up from the crying boy on the ground to the girl that made his small heart pound running towards him with a look of anger on her face.

"You're a jerk!" She yelled at him, pushing him.

"I'm not a jerk!" He defended, coming closer to her to push her back, but she did something that he did not expect at all.

"You hurt my brother! He's nice! You're mean. So you're a jerk!" She hit him then. She punched him square in the lip. It knocked him back onto the ground. He stared up at her. She was younger than him, but she knocked him back. A four year old girl hit him. But she did it to protect her brother, her family.

That's when he knew. From a young age, he knew. She would do anything for family. She would do anything for the people she loved.

She needed time. Time she didn't have. The clock was ticking, and Liam was becoming impatient. His constant tapping of his right finger on his gun was ringing in her ears. She just needed it to stop. 

"I'm not a patient man, sister, hurry up." His voice was starting to lose its humor, being replaced with an erratic version of it.

It frightened her. 

Actually, it scared her. It scared her terribly because after everything, she didn't think it would come to this. Their back and forth game between two rival gangs, who thought it would turn into this. She didn't. Not with the world in her hands and her husband by her side. 

It scared her because she feared it was all about to be ripped right from her hands. 

"I won't do it. I can't do it." She kicked the gun on the ground towards Liam, backing away from it. "No one has to die, Liam!"

He swung the gun until the muzzle was lined up with her face. "Clearly, you don't know how this life works."

The loud revving of cars coming around the corner, made everyone snap out of their intense moment, and look over at the speeding cars coming down the street.

"Show time." Liam spoke sinisterly before pressing a button on his phone.

The text was sent.

There was nothing she could do.

All she could do was watch. Watch as Will's car came speeding down the straightaway, and the flashing of explosives in front of her.

"Will!" She watched the explosion go off by his car, sending it high into the air.

The sounds of explosions hit her ears before the wailing sirens in the distance did. It felt almost surreal.

Hordes of Titans emerged from the crowds, sending waves of bullets in the onlookers of Valhalla.

She watched Willem's dad drop to the ground after a wave of bullets hit as he was trying to get his wife to safety. Kolson and Nikki were nowhere to be found.

She knew many of her gang's men were falling, falling in battle as not brave soldiers, but ones who were ambushed on a word of peace.

But she didn't notice. She couldn't focus on that. Her eyes were glued to the car tumbling down the road in front of her.

Glass rained all around her. Bullet shells bounced around her. Ringing as they clashed. Smoke and dust were kicking up in her face. Her eyes were burning, but she couldn't look away.

She couldn't focus on the world around her, she only watched as Will's car flipped every time it hit the ground.

One flip, two flips, three flips.

She couldn't bear it.

The sirens were here, blaring in her ears. Police were arresting members who weren't injured, tackling them to the ground, throwing them in cop cars. Some were calling for ambulances for the many injured. Others were shooting back at other gang members who were still shooting, stuck in the crossfire not knowing who is friend or foe.

The sounds of screams as people were shot could be heard throughout the city. It rang in your ears, engraving the sounds within your memory. You could hear the sounds of people weeping for their lives, begging to be spared, and the sound of a gunshot following it. And the person who started it all could not be found.

All around her chaos ensued. Many were going to end up dead or in prison for a long time. That was definite. But she didn't care about them. She could only stare ahead as the beaten blue Camaro came to a stop.

She felt warm tears slide down her face, clearing the smoke and dirt from her face.

One thought ran through her head as his car laid still. Not a person emerging from the broken vehicle.

Will. No.

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