Chapter 29: The Plan

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When I emerged from the bathroom dressed and with finished makeup, I went straight to the closet.

The were two pairs of shoes- a silver pair and black strappy pair.

I picked the black, they matched with the dress the best.

I put them on, and I instantly feel three inches taller.

I notice that someone had brought my bag into the bedroom.

I was concerned for a moment of who had brought it in, but I decided not to dwell on it.

I grab my bag that brought with and pull out the gold jewelry I packed. I put on a pair of dangling earrings with black and red sapphires engraved in them.

I put the earrings in effortlessly.

Thanks to Nikki, I have a new found friendship with makeup, hair, and jewelry unlike my previous self who didn't care about anything shallow like that, but now I just see it as a way of expressing and enhancing my beauty.

Thinking about Nikki makes me want to think about Will, but I can't allow myself to. If I want tonight to go smoothly I have to keep a straight face, I have to act like he doesn't matter anymore, no matter how much he truly does matter to me.

I shake my head from thoughts, and I go back through my bag to search for a necklace.

As I'm searching for a necklace, I come across my RGG necklace.

I hold the chain, placing the RGG pendant in my hand.

I sigh.

I should just wear it, make a statement, but Liam would kill me on the spot.

Probably not the best way to show my loyalty.

I place it on the bed to the side of my suitcase.

I pull out a regular gold necklace and place it around my neck.

I put in a couple rings on my fingers, and gave myself a once over in the mirror.

I looked good, I'll admit.

As much as I hated wearing these clothes growing up, I never realized how good they made me feel or how good I looked in them.

While I admire myself a little more, a hard bang comes from the bedroom door.

"Times up. Boss is requesting your presences." Alexander's voice was harsh and his accent thick, his business mode was on.

I nod my head to myself in the mirror, giving my self a little bit of confidence, when my eyes drifting over the bed to the necklace. I had left it out.

I quickly walked over and grabbed it along with my purse.

Walking to the door, purse in hand, ready to leave, I open it to place my phone, my lipstick, and my necklace inside it, when I see something already inside.

It was the knife Willem had given me, the won Kolson had given him.

I my purse down in the dresser to pull out the knife. I pulled it out to examine it. The blade was sharp and silver, while the handle was gold and black with a deep red swirling around it. It was beautiful, but dangerous.

I was about to place it back into my purse when I notice two other things. One was a piece of lace, while the other was a piece of paper. I placed the knife on the nightstand and pulled out the paper and lace. I examined the lace and it was nothing I have ever seen, so I read the note.

'I see you found the note. Your boyfriend gave me this the day we made the trade. He told me to give this to you along with the knife holder in your purse. It was a precaution incase something went wrong. Stay safe, baby sis.

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