Chapter 11: First Son

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It was around dusk when Willem's phone when off in the alley way. It was his mom calling, wondering where we were. He had told her we had stop at a gas station for gas and some snacks. I giggled when he had lied to her, he just winked as he continued to talk to her. Apparently she wanted us home- now.

It was getting late as Willem and I drove back to his place, my hand on top of his as his rested on the gearshift. We were silent for a little, contempt even, but I decided to break the comforting silence.

"How are you feeling?" It was a dumb question, but I needed to know how he felt about finding out about his "rogue" brother.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" He asked completely lost, not truly paying attention to my words.

"About your brother, and all." I shift my gaze from him, to our hands. I felt kind of..sad or guilty you could say when asking about, but I wanted to know. I wanted our conversations to be comfortable or comforting at least.

He was silent for a little, he kept shifting his gaze from me to the road to our hands to back to the road. He did that at least three or four times before answering.

"I guess- I mean- yeah" He sighs an exasperated sigh. "I guess I feel lied to, betrayed a little by my mom, but most of all I feel angry and violated that my own brother, assuming he knew I was his brother, would almost beat me to death."

I nod silently. I remove my hand from his and place it on his arm, rubbing up and down in a comforting manner.

"I'm not going to pretend I know what you're feeling Willem, but I'm going to be here for you." I look at him and sigh. He releases a breath he probably didn't know he was holding. I remove my hand, but I put it back in my lap instead of his awaiting hand. We go back into our silence, until Willem decides to speak.

"Logan, I know our friendship, relationship, or whatever you want to call this" He gestured between us with his free hand. "Wasn't built on trust, and only god knows what I did to loose your friendship, but I-I just want you to know that I'm happy to have you back in my life..."

He smiles at me. I gaped lightly at his words, lost for my own words.

"Willem..." I manage to say.

"You don't have to say anything, but I just want you to know that, okay?"

"Okay." I nod my head, understanding.

About a few minutes later we pull up to his house. We quietly get out of the car. I run over to help him get to the house but he refuses, damn ego. I put my hands up in defense. I watch him hobble up the pathway and the stairs to his house, waiting to catch him if he falls. His mom comes to the door, opening it for the both of us. As I pass her I just nod, she smiles back and goes to help Willem. He tosses his jacket on the back of the couch, then  lays on it with his arm covering his eyes. I sit in an old armchair.

"Willem, honey, do you want some water or coffee or..." She trails off, I assume she's just trying to please him.

"Just get me some coffee, please, mother." He spats at her.

"Alright sweetie." She gives a weak smile, and leaves for the kitchen.

"Uggghh, Logan, under the sofa, to the right is my alcohol stash, please grab me the strongest one." He grunts out.

"Yeah...sure" I crouch down to look under the couch, and see tons of beers, wines, and other assortments of alcohol. I reach for the one I think is the strongest, handing to him.

"Here." He reaches out to grab it and chuckles. I give him a quizzical look. "What?"

"Logan, baby, You grabbed the weakest one" He snorts out. "I spike my school and home drinks with this sweets."

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