Chapter 30: Mother?

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"We're going to hell," I said with absolute conviction.

Will, who was standing in front of me, hard at work on the door's lock with a hair pin, gave a little laugh, "Says who?"

"Says we're breaking into a church," I lowered my voice, as my eyes darted around us as if we were about to be caught.

This was so dumb. Why did I let him talk me into this?

"Technicalities," he insisted, "Besides, it's for a good reason."

As he finished speaking, the lock on the door flipped with a pop, and he grinned, "Besides, I haven't been struck by lightning yet. So I think we're okay."

I rolled my eyes, "Okay, first of all, You didn't have to let Kyle talk you until finding Kol and Nikki the perfect church by betting you fifty bucks, and Xavier jumping in saying that you couldn't break in does not constitute to a good reason. And second, if lightning was going to strike you for anything, I doubt this would be the straw on the camel's back."

He paused before opening the door to look at me, "Meaning?"

I smirked a little, "Just that while I may now have a one way ticket down below, you have a spot reserved in the devil's VIP section."

He chuckled again, then turned back to the door, "Well, here's to hoping the handbasket is comfortable."

He pushed the door open, the hinges creaking slightly.

"Got it," his voice was very pleased.

I sighed as he stepped over the threshold and muttered, "Hell. First class," before following him into the building.

We entered through a side door, instead of the main ones, hoping that the backway's lock would be easier to pry.

It seemed that we were in a hallway now, with doors aligning each side.

"This is kind of creepy," I commented, looking around while sticking close to him.

He however, seemed unbothered by the Stephen King set up and pushed one of the doors open at random, and peered inside.

"Just a room," he said, "Probably for some kind of Sunday School meet up."

Then he continued down the hall, "We have to find the sanctuary though. I need to scope it out make sure it's all good. Plus Xavier wants pictures of it as proof."

"Of course he does," I muttered, and Will reached back for my hand, "Come on, babe, it'll be fun."

I rose a brow, but chose not to comment as we pushed forward.

After all, I was the one who agreed to come out here with him.

I was the one who'd given him her hairpin to use as a lock pick.

So it wasn't really as if I could blame him, or even Xavier for the fact that I was here, but none the was a stupid decision

"Here," He said, using his phone as a light, "Better?"

Now that we could see, it was.

"Yeah, a little." I whispered nervously.

He squeezed my hand as we rounded a corner.

"I expect there will be some sort of sign around here somewhere," he said, shining the dim illumination in all directions, "It should tell us which way to go."

We searched for another minute until finally finding an entrance that read "Chapel".

"Same thing, right?" I asked, and he nodded, "Good enough. Let's go."

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