Chapter 36: Mother's Blessing

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Logan's POV

It's been a couple of weeks since Will and I tied the knot. Life for both of us had been getting kind of crazy. Titan action in Samton had been diminishing and everyone was slowly starting to get on edge. Even the townspeople seemed to be in a constant state of suspense. Every incident immediately had police on the scene, meaning even we had to be on our A-game if we didn't want to end up behind bars.

It was actually scary. At this point, I'm already two months into school, and everyone is giving me weird glances. The confidence I had at the end of last school year was starting to diminish. The whispers and side glances were back, shorting my once high self esteem down the drain. It was exhausting having to deal with it day in and day out. I was so tired of these townspeople, thinking they were so much better than everyone else. They've always put me down, and now that I have found something that I actually appreciate, they want to shoot me, literally shoot me, down for it. I get that it's illegal, but everyone has their own spark.

What didn't make life any better was that I was back at the Arrowood house. Their new one on the southern side of town. They decided it was best to move a couple months ago when the gang activity started to increase. It was probably best they didn't live next door to their sworn enemy. Plus, the house was closer to the junkyard, meaning more visits from Lillian. Yay... It was big enough to fit Lilian and Grayson, a room from Will, and a guest bedroom, but it was nothing compared to their old home on the northern side of town.

The house next to my parents. I never really spent much time at Will's house when we were kids. A few times he would invite friends over for a movie night or to hangout in elementary school, but he always spent time at mine or we spent time at our spot.

I liked this house better though. It might not be in the best area of town, but it wasn't pompous and didn't scream money. I actually kind of liked it. It was homey.

Will's parents had invited their children, which included Nikki and I, over for dinner in some way to reconcile before Valhalla. I didn't get it. Lilian would never be okay with me. She hated my family. She hated me. But her hating me made Will hate her in return, so this whole dinner would be pointless.

Everyone sat down to eat, but no one had said a word all evening. When Will and I arrived earlier we went straight down to his room, and Kol and Nikki didn't even bother showing.

"Well," Will started, humorously, "This isn't awkward."

"Give us a break, son. We're trying." Grayson spoke.

"If you're trying to make us wildly uncomfortable, it's working." He said, placing a piece of food into his mouth.

"We're not trying to start anything. We wanted to reconcile for a reason, honey." Lilian spoke up.

I just sat there in silence, watching this dysfunctional family converse. You could cut the tension with a knife because it was so thick. I mean I totally couldn't blame them. I sorta started this whole issue between the family by running into Kol and everything after that was a domino effect, but it's not like I planned on running into Kol. Hell, I wanted him to leave me alone, but Kol had his own plan. I was just a ploy to get Will to join the gang, no one counted on Will and I falling in love. I didn't even expect it to happen.

Will just scoffed, "Please, I'm not the one you should be trying to impress."

He gestured towards me. I visibly glared at him, mentally slapping him. I was trying to stay out of their family bickering. I was fine with Grayson for the most part. He seemed to have some understanding of me, but Lilian was my problem.

More like I was her problem.

"I'm not trying to start anything," I put my hands up in defense, telling her honestly.

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