Chapter 31: Close Call

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Willem's POV

I'm furiously pacing around my brother's office. My mother has been spending more and more time around the yard, and it is getting on my last fucking nerve. She's nitpicked at every move Logan and I made. Apparently, I fight like a baby when I know I'm one of the best fighters in a fifty mile radius. Apparently, I don't reload my gun fast enough when I know I've practiced reloading it to increase my speed in case of an emergency. Apparently, I am one of the slowest and worst racers she's ever seen when I know I have one of the fastest speeds on the tracks. And apparently, I have the worst taste in women because all she does is bitch about Logan's and my relationship. I get we're not the most ideal couple. We have our issues; one of them being our love basically started a gang war, but what can we do now? The damage is done. I'm not letting her go back to her physically and emotionally abusive family, and that's the facts, so all we do now is plan for the future.

It's been almost three weeks of her bullshit. I'm over it. I thought I hated my mother before, but now I know I hate her. She's an annoying, small-minded bitch that can't look past her own narrow-minded thoughts.

"Ugh! I just can't stand her, Kol!" I vent, throwing my hands into the air to try and release some frustrations.

"Look, I just think you need to give our mom a chance, little bro." Kol says uninterested in my ranting. He fiddles with the necktie around his neck as he attempts to tie it. He's never worn a tie and is trying to learn before the wedding next month.

I stop my pacing to look at him with disgust. How could he say something like that?

"How could you say that?" I point a finger at him, "She gave you up for adoption just so she didn't have to deal with the consequence of fucking our dad!"

He rolled his eyes, "I forgave her a long time ago."

"But how?!"

I was desperate to understand how my unforgiving brother could forgive our mother so easily.

"Jackson raised me to forgive, but not forget. I forgave her, I did, but I'm going to forget what she did to me because without those decisions she made, I wouldn't be half the person I am today. That's something you need to learn if you ever want to take over one day." He smiles and winks at me. I groan in response.

"Don't give me that Jesus type bullshit. We're in a gang, Kol. We don't forgive and forget, we get fucking even." I growled, pointing at him.

My outburst got his attention. He raised an eyebrow at me, and his jaw locked. The fiddling with the tie stopped, and he stood up from behind his desk and opened a drawer. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes, handing me one.

Taking it, I stick it in my mouth and light it. I eye him warily, not quite sure why he gave me a cigarette during the conversation with our mother.

"Why did you give me this?" I ask him as I take a pull.

He shrugs, "You have an addiction to them. You're irritable and restless because you haven't smoked in a while considering the circumstances."

"So you think my anger towards our mother is because of my so-called addiction to cigarettes?" I raise an eyebrow at that. What does he know?

"Yes. I do." He responds in a very firm voice. "Mother and Father will be at the wedding. Get your addictions under control by then, or get someone to join you with it because I don't have time for your petty shit little brother."

He sits back down in his chair nonchalantly like the miniature fight didn't just happen. I watch him with disbelief. How could he just accept her?

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