Chapter 24: Happy Birthday

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Dylan was slightly nervous to tell his boss what he saw at the Avalon club. Liam's temper was not something to fuck around with.

Dylan knew first hand what his temper entailed; someone was going to end up bloody and beaten.

So, yeah, Dylan was nervous as hell to give Liam the news. But with a quick breath of confidence, he knocked on the office door.

"Come in." He heard a clipped voice from the opposite side.

He opened the door to find Liam sorting papers, files, and other things. He didn't bother to look up at the person that had entered the room. 

Dylan stiffly stood in front on the desk. "I'm back from recon, Sir."

Liam looks up from his work, glancing at Dylan. "Hello, Dylan. How was recon?"

"Very informative." His confidence still standing strong.

"Really? So tell me about Logan." Liam smirked, settling in his chair. All Dylan's confidence went out the window.

He gulped, "Well her and the Crow very sexually, they snuck off for a bit to have sex in the bath room, and they got completely shit faced. I don't know what happened or where they ended up after that, Sir."

Liam took in everything the boy had said. Anger swept across his face. He stood up, and threw a glass that was sitting on his desk, and watched with satisfaction as it broke into millions of tiny shards.

"I know where they ended up Dylan. I had an informant give me the location." Liam said straightening himself, closing his eyes as in thought. He took at deep breath before reaching under the table and pulling out a short, but wide box.

He handed it to Dylan. He took it without hesitation.

"It's Logan's birthday today. I want you to deliver this to the Holiday Inn on Bockson Boulevard. Room 216. You're dismissed." Liam said looking back at his papers and files, waving Dylan off.

He nodded and left for the specified location, wondering what could be in such a weird shaped box.

Logan's POV:

I woke up with a tight pair of arms wrapped around me. I noticed the state of undress I was in.

Images of last night came back in the form of blurry pictures. Club, dancing, sex, bathroom, balcony, confession to Will, Nikki and I, Will and Nikki and me.

It was one hell of a night.

A smile spreads across my face. Then, I get a weird feeling.

Shit, I gotta pee.

I squirm in Willem's arms to get out of them, but something hard brushes against me and a voice stops me, "Stop squirming. Unless you feel like dealing with the consequences."

I giggle a little. "Maybe another time, baby, but I gotta take care of some business."

"The only business you should have right now is cuddling your extremely horny boyfriend."

I laugh. "No I gotta pee, Will. Unless you want me to pee the bed like a four year old."

"Ugh. Fine. Go." He groans releasing me from his hold. I stand up, and walk to the bathroom.

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