Chapter 12: Gang ties

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Willem's POV

Having the windows down going around 90 on back roads in the Nova with the wind hitting my face is just enough to allow my agitated feelings to subside. I look over to find Logan with the biggest smile on her face as the wind gracefully blows through her hair. Her eyes are closed, and she looks so carefree like the last so many hours never happened. I give a quick smile at the scene in front of me before diverting my eyes back onto the road.

"Willem how'd you even know about this awesome car?" Her voice is a breathy happy like she's high on life, and I think it's the best sound ever. 'Maybe we could actually get high together because high sex is trippy and hot as fuck' I think interrupting the innocent thoughts I just had. I shake my head trying to knock out the thought.

"My dad would work on it when I was young, and I would watch." I notice her head turns to me transfixed on the story. I give a meager smile. "As I got older I would add some modifications here and there with him, but I never asked where he got the car- maybe I should have."

I dryly chuckle a little, agitation still in the my tone. Logan notices it too as she gives me a sympathetic half smile.

"But it's whatever because the anger I have now isn't towards my parents" I stop to think for a second. "Well except for my mom, but it's mainly towards my "brother"."

She looks at me with a confused look almost making it look a confused kitten.

"Kol has to know I was his brother or he wouldn't have literally been out to get me and from what you've told me on the car ride to my house" I glance to her. She looks sad as she watches me speak. My tone becomes more sarcastic. "than yeah he knows."

The ride becomes silent again as an awkward tension fills the car until we start to reach the outskirts of town, which is an abandoned junk yard and mechanic shop on the side of a back road. This is where the gang resides- far enough from town that they can't get caught selling drugs, racing, fighting, or drinking; but just close enough where the city is only 45 minutes down the road. As we pull in to the gate around the junk yard, I hear the cheers and screams of different crowds of people. I look to Logan who looks like a frightened kitten. I give her hand a tight squeeze and a reassuring smile which she returns. When I pull the gate, two raggedy looking gang members stand in front of me blocking my passage, and a third, more scruffy member comes to the driver's side of the car leaning into the window.

"Name, age, and reason for being here." He says taking a puff of the cigarette in his hand.

"Willem Arrowood, 18, and I want to speak to my brother" The guys eyes go wide as he realizes who I am. I smirk. "Oh and maybe a race or two"

The guys face quickly goes from shocked to mean in about 5 seconds. Then an dog whistle like alarm goes off, and the car is quickly surrounded by a good lot of gang members. The doors are ripped open, and the members rip Logan and I from the car. She starts screaming a blood curdling scream as she's dragged away somewhere, and I'm dragged in the opposite direction.

"Willem! Willem help me!!" She screams in complete fear. I struggle against the gang finally getting my arm free, and I start swinging. I manage to make contact getting the guys off around me and sprint towards Logan.

I make it to her as they drag her into the auto body's office. I hurry my way into the office to find my brother holding Logan against him by the waist and a knife to her throat, face covered in tears as she's silently crying. The two members that I had forgotten about jump me, kicking out my knees as I fall to the floor. They each hold an arm and my shoulders down. I struggle against but my efforts seem futile.

"There's no use little brother. Especially since I'm holding the only good thing in your life." He darkly chuckles out. He presses the knife closer to her throat as she closes her eyes and bites her lip waiting for the initial cut, but it doesn't happen. He smiles at the reaction.

"Don't hurt her! I swear I will fucking kill you if yo-"

"Don't worry I won't hurt her even though she's hurt me deeply, but that's for another time." he interrupts me. He looks from Logan to me. "Now down to business, I was told you came here to talk to me and maybe race around my track. Never would I expect Momma's golden boy to want to do such bad things tsk tsk"

"Please Kolson, I was the black sheep of the family until I knew you existed, guess some of the black ink seeped into me too" I scoff out. He smirks at me, a smirk I've seen only a thousand times in the mirror.

"Oh I know all about your little bad boy school reputation: skipping school, school pranks, detentions, graffiti, fighting, and sleeping with more than half the school. Now those last two I can admire and take some credit for, but the rest is just petty shit." He says shaking his head. "Boys let my brother up please"

The two thugs release me, and I stand up brushing myself off. I lock eyes with Logan. Her eyes are filled with fear and her face is tear stained. I frown. She's just an innocent bystander in a new brothers feud.

"Now leave us" Kol barks out. The two guys scramble for the door being gone in a blink of an eye. "Willem you want a bad boy reput-"

"Um sir" Kol and I snap our heads to the door way. A young kid about 15 or 16 walks in and stands next to Kol whispering something into his ear. I clench my fists as I watch the smirk spread across his face.

"How joyous. Please leave us Joey, i'll explain the news to our guests." The kid nods as he scurries out of the room. Kol darkly chuckles at me. "Well, well, well looks like I've been informed by no other than papa dearest that you and mother got into a fight about little old me, and apparently you are cutting ties with her. Oh and my favorite part that you said yourself- you want to join my little gang."

I notice as Logan's face pales and I gulp trying to keep my composer.

"Yes that is true. Mother has lied to me for 18 years about your existence and this life, I'm done with her. I never said I'd want to join the gang, but I'm willing to race for your gang. I don't want to be a member of the Royal Gray Gang, but I'll race or fight just to keep the peace between us, for Logan's sake." The last part almost came out in a whisper, but loud enough for my brother to have a impressed look and Logan's eyes to widen in surprise.

"Hmm all that just for little Logan right here" He dance the knife awfully close to her throat, too close for comfort. Her eyes snap shut and I clench my fists tighter. "I guess I can do that little brother, but under two conditions."

"And they are?" I say through gritted teeth.

"I let you race on my track and fight in my rings not as a gang member, but you must always win your matches and the most important rule- no trying to over throw me as gang leader of the consequences will not be pretty. Got it?!" He snaps out at me. I think for a moment truly contemplating this. I look at Logan who seems to be praying with her life, but has a half of mind right now to mouth 'don't do it'. I shake my head at her and frown.

"You have yourself a deal, brother." I stick my hand out for him to take, but he shakes his head with an amused look on his face. He unravels his arm from Logan's waist and takes the knife from her neck, but still keeping her tight to his body.

"Willem promises can be broken easily and knowing you, this little one could be, but to make this official" He takes the knife and slices a long cut along his palm. I watch as it starts to bleed out. He hands the knife to me "we're making a blood contract".

I take the knife and stare at it for a quick moment before I take the blade and cut it across my palm. I drop the knife and stick my hand back out. He shakes it mixing the to bloods together in a binding contract. Kol smirks before speaking again.

"We have a deal, brother."

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