Chapter 6: Forgot

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William and I chat lightly about this and that as we unpack my clothes.

"So Logan, I never asked-" William says, his tone change slightly. "How did I ever lose your trust?"

His demeanor is now completely changed, and so has mine. I stop unpacking the clothes in my hand and look at him in disbelief He looks back at me stand up.

"Heh, you really don't know?" I cross my arms with the clothes in my hand, completely astonished he doesn't remember. He looks up at me confusion and curiosity.

"I really don't Logan." I scoff.

"How the HELL CAN YOU NOT REMEMBER?!" I yell at him throwing the clothes down by my side in anger. William shoots up and grabs my arms to relax me.

"Logan. Logan. Logan, look at me." He turns me to face, but I look away. "Logan, please look at me."

As he pleads, I turn to him giving him an annoyed look.

"Logan, I know I fucked up in the past even though I don't know what I did, but please tell me so I never do that again." I roll my eyes.

"How can I tell you, you'll just do it again out of spite like you did the last time." I'm annoyed and angrier now. "William, I want to trust you, but it's hard because of who you are."

"What do you mean." He tightens his grip on my arms slightly and he seems to be to getting angrier by that comment.

"I mean you cannot be trusted because you party, get drunk-a lot, cheat in school and on others, and sleep around-a lot. Don't you see a pattern in why I cannot trust you with my heart nor this secret?" I look at him for any glimpse of understanding, but I just get I blank face. I look him longer and the blank stare continues like he is thinking about something, until, I get devious smirk.

"You're right Logan." He smiles, moves his hands to my waist, and picks me up throwing me onto the bed. I tried to get up, but he jumps on pinning me down. "I do sleep around a lot."

He kisses me softly, but with a rough ending.

"But I'm willing to change that for you." He says smiling like a child. 

"Yeah, Yeah. Go fuck a cheerleader, go to a party, then we'll talk." I say trying to push him off me. I'm not putting up with this. He's playful, but I'm just not in the mood.

"If you insist." Willem climbs off me. I cross my arms. "I guess...I'll...go to my room then. My mom will be home around 3. See ya Logan." Willem looks at me, then to the door. He opens it, then leaves. He slams the door. I jump lightly. I place my hands on my chest and look up at the ceiling.

"Maybe now you will never forget again Willem."

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