Chapter 17

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      I stand outside of the door as Lady Aphmau interrogates  the guard. No use I suppose. I can hear her Irked voice shout at the man with no answers. After a while she must of given up, because she leaves and stands beside me.

     "He won't talk to me." She says and I nod.

     "I kind of guessed that. Maybe I could give it a try talking to him?" I suggest. 

     "You? I thought you wouldn't want to." She answers. "You know, since everything that has happened."

      "Well, I was giving it some thought, and if he is from O'khasis, he must know of Zane's plans, and honestly, I think it has something to do with me. If I can persuade him into talking to me, then I can try to get some information from him, since I also am from O'khasis and Zane trusts me." I explain.

       "I guess. If he knows who you are, he might speak. Give it a chance and come to me if you get information from him." Aphmau agrees, then starts walking off.

        I take in a deep breath and creek the door open, to see the guard in a small cell in the back corner. I walk over to the cell and sit with my feet in front of me before the cell.

       "Hello, Dawn." The guard greets and I am taken by surprise.

       "You know who I am?" I ask.

       "Of coarse I do. Everyone in O'khasis knows of Zane's best comrade. Your the only one who has gotten close enough to him to be able to breath the same air." He answers.

        "Well, I want to know the reason why you are here." I demand.

        "To take you back to O'khasis so we can contain you in a dungeon cell."

        "What? Zane wouldn't let you do that!" 

        "Of coarse he wouldn't. That's why we want you. We need to......well let me just say..........settle things with Zane. I may take orders from him, but I also take orders from others aswell, who in particular need to talk with Zane, yet he refuses to speak with them unless they have a real reason. And your that reason. If we contain you, he'll have to come to save his precious Dawn, now wouldn't he." 

        "Too bad for you, I won't let you lay a finger on me."

        "Oh really now? We'll see about that. No matter what, we won't stop trying to get you. Of coarse, you still are stuck in the center of our trap. I'm just a simple decoy, a pawn in this plan."

         "Hmph.....I can tell that, your stupid enough to tell me your plans. Now that we know, we can stop it. I may sound like a broken record, but I will NOT let you lay a single finger on me. And whatever message you have to get though to Zane, I, nor Lord Aphmau, shall let you carry through with it. Because we will take Zane down. No matter the cost. Because I am a simple pawn in Zane's plan as well. He may care for me, love me in some demented way, but I won't let him use me, like you let people use you. So if you some how find your way crawling back to whatever place you came from, you can tell your boss, to just give up." 

         I stand up, and walk out, my hands shaking. I swear to myself..........I won't let him use matter how hard it matter how much I truly care for him...........I will take him down for the sake of the innocence in this town, and all the people he has killed. For some reason, I take full responsibility for his actions. Because I never stopped him............I slowly walk away, thinking about how I can try and do something. Because unlike before, I can't sit back and watch people I care for, or know, get hurt anymore. 

     I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Vote or follow if you would like more of this, or would like to read some of my other books! Bye my fierce friends! 

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