Chapter 22

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     Aphmau and I go outside, but he isn't there, so we look around for him a while. 

     "Garroth?" I call with Aphmau. "Garroth are you there?" 

     "Hey Garroth were'd you go? We'v been waiting out here for a while trying to look for you! C'mon this isn't funny! Garroth...oh Nichole!" Aphmau says walking around, then going up to Nichole as I walk by her. "Hey, uh sorry um." 

      "Aphmau, you've been away from the party now, is everything okay?" Nichole asks.

       "Yeah, um, I'm just really worried about Garroth. He was here like, literally minuets ago and now he's gone."

        "Huh? Aphmau don't worry about it. Just come back inside and enjoy yourself, you too Dawn! Kiki is asking for you Aphmau, she's about to open her gifts from you!"

         "Really? Uh well yeah, I guess Garroth can take care of himself. Plus maybe there's a matter in the village he had to settle. You're right."

          Aphmau starts to head in, but I grab her arm and stop her quickly. 

        "Aphmau! Before you go, I'm going to keep looking. You enjoy the party." I tell her.

        "Are you sure? I mean you know Garroth, he should be fine." Aphmau assures. 

        "I know, but if he is dealing with a problem, I want to see if I can help out. I need to get a little practice in, and try not to faint this time." 

        "Well okay, but try not to get lost! Okay?" 

        "Okay Lady Aphmau/" 

         I look around the town, and make my way to the guard tower. I go inside and climb up the ladder to the top, only seeing the sun go down over the water as I near the edge. I sit down, until I feel motion beside me. When I sense it I jerk up, nearly falling, but a hand is placed on my shoulder, stopping me. I look back to see Laurence and he smirks. 

         "That's one way to fall for me, but I'm up here, so you'd be falling for the dirt instead. Wouldn't want that happening , now do we?" Laurence teases.

         "I'd rather fall for the dirt than fall for you. What are you doing up here?" I ask.

         "I could ask you the same thing, besides, you said maybe sometime we could watch a sunset together. How about now?" He reminds me. 

          "I was trying to look for Garroth, but I guess the sun doesn't take that long to got down, so fine." 

          "Alrighty, so how was the party?" 

          "I didn't stay long. But I guess it was okay. A lot of people, a little more than I'm used to." 

           "Not a people person?" 

           "I guess not. But it was fun being around good people for once. Being stuck with Z-" 

            "Shhhh you don't need to bring up the depressing stuff! Hey! Look, the sun's almost down!"

             We look up at the sun, the seconds flowing by as it slowly sinks down below the ocean. As soon as it fades, I look at Laurence, and he looks back at me. I can tell the aura around me is glowing visibly pink, and Laurence can tell. 

             "Hey........S-" He starts.

             "Welp! The suns gone! I'm going to go back to my house and going to bed. I hope Garroth shows up, if he does, send him over to my place please? I want to have talk with him." I interrupt and stand back on my feet. 

              He nods disappointed and I leave the guard tower, going back to my house. When I get there, I take off my armor and I sit on my bed, looking up at the ceiling.  

            **~I look up a Garroth, and he looks down at me, his eyes sparkling.        

             "Heh........................................." I start. "So..................uh-"~**

           **~As soon as it fades, I look at Laurence, and he looks back at me. I can tell the aura around me is glowing visibly pink, and Laurence can tell.

              "Hey........S-" He starts.~**

              I wake up with the light shining through my window, and sit up. I get up from my bed and grab my armor from the floor, gearing myself up. When I get my cape on, I walk to where Garroth's room is, where the prison I was at is as well. I go up the ladder next to her, going to the top. 

             "Garroth? Hey Garroth it's me Dawn. I didn't see you last night are you okay?" I ask. "Garroth?"

             "I'm just sick............that's all.............." Garroth answers slowly. 

              "Oh............okay.......You seemed fine the other day, I'm worried about you. But if your just a little sick, I understand. Get well soon?" 


     I walk away and go down the ladder slowly. Is he really okay? He seems different..........

Stone Cold Friendship-(Aphmau MCD fanfiction/story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang