Chapter 21

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     Dante and I finish up a bit of the stall, and finish up hammering down and support beam, when I notice Aphmau approaching Garroth and the sales man.

     "Looks like Aphmau's here." I point out to Dante as I look back to him, and he stops swinging at a crooked nail.

     "I thinks she's coming over too." Dante says, and I turn to face Aphmau directly in front of my face.

     "Aphmau! We're helping Oliver here build a merchant booth." Dante informs, and I take a step back to let the lord through. 

     "But...I already built merchant booths here." Aphmau says, tilting her head a bit in confusion. 

     "He knows." I tell her. "He umm........wants it made out of a different material...." 

     "I don't know. We're just helping because uh...." Dante whispers. "He's old. In any case, he is really interested in the fairy lights, do you know where we can get a few more from?" 

     "Uhhh...Yeah! Actually, yeah now that I look at it, Zoey makes them." Aphmau let's us know. 

     "Great! Could you take me to her so I could get a few while Dawn works on the set up? I'd love to give them to Oliver as a welcome gift. If her plans to stay here that is again.....he's old." 

      "Sure, I'll take you to Zoey, Dawn, I guess your staying to work on stuff?" She asks me and I simply bob my head as I take my hammer from the ground, and start pounding on the nail Dante was working on.

     After a while of working, Dante comes back in a hurry, calling for Garroth and I to follow him. We sprint after him, and when we get to the destination, Aphmau informs Garroth on what happened. A while passes, before a group of people are there, surrounding a pendant on a wooden table. 

    "I'v gathered you all here today because you are all experts in your field of craft. Be it from travel experience, magicks, or witchcraft. Zoey, can you please explain the series of events that lead to the creation of the amulet we see before us." Garroth starts off, and forces me to wonder why I too was called in here, instead of being sent away for being a rookie guard. Zoey tells us about Dante and Aphmau walking into her room, and the necklace from Alexis's incident and the pendant's remains from Leona's birth. "That's the story. What we fail to understand is why this happened." 

    "Was it an accident?" Laurence questions.

    "I'm not sure. No one moved or caused anything to happen." Zoey begins, and continues. 

     All of my hearing gets muffled, and the only thing I can make out is the impulse of the amulet. It get's louder, forcing me to cover my ears and take a step back nauseated. After another minuet of this, my reaction wares off, and everything goes back to normal, that's when I notice Logan re-enter with Oliver. I happens again, and this time I feel myself slowly drifting back, feeling myself being caught, but everything fades to black. 


     I wake up in a daze, feeling a different type of cloth entwined in my fingers. I look down to see the color of purple, and slowly look up with confusion. Zoey is standing above me, holding a clump of ice in a towel to my head.

     "You had one bad fever there, when we were almost done talking in the room last night, then someone saw that you were falling, and Laurence caught you just before you hit the ground, he was worried sick, so was Garroth." Zoey tells me.

     "Fever? I wasn't sick yesterday.......the only time I did was- oh yeah! That room..........the amulet...........I-I don't know what it was, but it made me feel queasy." 

     "Hmmm..........well Aphmau just headed to the baby shower, if you feel fine now, you might want to go. It'll be fun. We can take about this later, i'm sure there is a reason the amulet made you feel the way you did, but we will put that aside for now."

      "Really? Ok, well I should grab my sword and get going, I'm surly supposed to be on guard duty." 

      I stand up off of the coach, and grab my sword laid beside me, walking out of Aphmau's room. I exit her home and go down the path towards Kiki's barn. When I arrive, I see Garroth outside of the barn. I run up to him with a smile and hug him gracefully.

      "Garroth!" I greet.

      "Dawn! I'm so glad you okay! You had me worried sick!" Garroth claims.

      "Don't worry Garroth, I'm fine! Do you know where Laurence is? I wanted to thank him for catching me earlier, I'm glad I didn't end up with a bruise!" I ask. 

      "Oh. Laurence is patrolling the plaza, you can talk to him later."  

      "Oh okay! Anyways, I'm going to head inside to guard Aph closely, oh, and I'll see you later!" 

      I smile at Garroth, and he returns the smile, then I wave as I go inside, standing with Aphmau. 



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