Chapter 25

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      I stand beside Laurence with my head down, he places his hand on my shoulder in comfort, but removes it just as Aphmau comes down the stairs. 

      "Dawn, can you leave? I know you have well connections with Zane that can come in handy, but I'm thinking you need some time to calm down a bit. 

      I nod and go upstairs, going outside. I guess it won't hurt to take a short walk... I walk into the woods besides the house, and walk close to the shore. When my legs tire, I go back up the hill and sit down by a tree. I shut my eyes and feel the night breeze blow past me, my hair swaying in the wind. I suddenly hear swords clashing and I jump up, peering around the tree to see Laurence, Aphmau, and...him...I know him! It's...Aaron...what's he doing here? And why is Laurence and him fighting? I should stay out of the way for now, but if something escalates, I'll have to bud in. 

     "I am not your enemy..." Aaron says. 

     "You held a sword to her throat..." Laurence replies, and I gasp, hopefully unheard.

     "Right now everyone is a threat, I'm sure you've come to that conclusion yourself Laurence." 

     "How do you know my name...?" 

     "I want to help you and Lady Aphmau, but first... I need you to shed your guard and trust me."

     "This coming from the man who's holding a sword to my face..."

     "The moment I let this sword down I can tell you'll take the opportunity to attack me based on your stance... since you haven't backed down...I know a huge part of what's going on here... before I can even begin to explain I need to know you both trust me..."

     "Laurence, he saved me once!"

     "I don't trust you... but I trust Aphmau's judgment therefore you have my trust as well..."

     "Well that's a start. We need to go to a more secluded area where we can talk, it's not safe to speak of this matter here. Follow me. You too Dawn."

      Aphmau and Laurence look just as surprised as I am when I come out from behind the tree, and walk up to them. 

      "Dawn? What are you doing out here?" Laurence asks.

      "I took a walk." I answer standing next to Aaron. "I know this person Aphmau, Laurence, we can trust him." 

       "Did you know he was here?!" He questions.

       "I'm sorry, but I didn't." I reply.

       "Just calm down Laurence, we can trust him." Aphmau assures.

       We go to an area near the water, and stand around a camp fire. As we talk, he pulls out an amulet that looks like the charm on the bracelet I had, before I smashed it into a million pieces. So... if he knew what all of the jury of nine talked about... that means, he knows what my conversations were before I destroyed my amulet...We continue to talk, and I only speak a few times, besides that I keep my head lowered.

      "The thought of getting his way for both obtaining the amulet as well as destroying you and getting Dawn back is too good for him to pass up." Aaron states, and my head shoots up.

       "Getting me back?" I ask.

       "Yes. He may have let you leave, but he plans to keep you close to him at all times. You seem to be very important to him, my thoughts are another pawn in his game." He tells me.

        "Another pawn...?" 

        We continue to speak, about a spy being in the village, and that they must of been the one to move Nichole from her home. 

        "Why should we trust you?" Laurence interrogates.

        Aphmau explains how he saved he long ago, and the the attention is turned to me.

       "Didn't you say you knew him?" Aphmau asks me.

       "Yeah, I met him when I was trying to get away from Zane for a while, un-monitored. He helped me leave for a few hours, but then I got caught, though Zane only looked at is as me trying to get a breather. Nothing more. He also helped me learn some self defense one time. Every once and a while I'd talk to him at my window, and I gave him information on what's happening on the inside, but it was incredibly difficult since I still cared much for Zane then. But I trusted him, so I still helped him anyways." I inform.

      "I see..."

      "Dawn, I know what your thinking... I did hear what you talked about... that amulet was connected to Zane's, meaning only he knew what you were talking about, but I knew what conversations were being held in the communication amulet Zane had... Now, Aphmau...That amulet you have... it's unfortunately not the only one..."

      "What? What do you mean?"

      We finish talking, and Aphmau and Laurence take off, but I stay behind. 

      "Listen, anything you heard, keep it to your self okay." I say, and he nods.

      "I wasn't going to say anything. It's a little surprising, but its fine."

      I turn and walk away, following after Laurence and Aphmau. After talking for sometime, they go inside, and I spot Dante not too far away, then walk over to him.

      "Hey Dante." I greet. "What are you up to?"

     "Oh, just  patrol, I just got over here. What are you up to?"

     "Um... a walk I guess. I suppose I missed the sun set tonight." 

      We continue to talk, and laugh. I think talking to a friend is a bit of help. It's gotten my mind off of everything, though I must continue being weary. Dante and I stand from the stone steps and start walking around, chatting about different things we like, but I try not to give off too much after what Aaron had talked to us about. 

     When day comes, we surround Aphmau who is standing on the old Irene podium, and she starts a brief speech.

     "People of Phoenix Drop. I, Lord Aphmau, stand before you to disclose incredibly important information about recent events. I'm sure you've all heard the rumor by now that Phoenix Drop has been threatened by Lord of Scaleswind, this is true. We are at danger of war if we do not deliver Nichole of Scaleswind to him in the next five days. Nichole has been missing since yesterday and none of our guard has been able to find her last night. I'm asking all of you to band together to find her, she has to be handed over to the lord of Scaleswind. I hate to force Nichole to do such a thing, but for our safety, it has become a necessity. I ask all of you to stay inside the gates until Nichole has been given to her father. I can not risk anymore of our people disappearing. Be on your guard when outside. That is all I got to say for now, thank you, everyone." 


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