Chapter 19

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      We stop and Laurence tells us what happened outside of Kiki's barn, I didn't know she was pregnant......well sort of pregnant...........I suppose there is a lot for me to learn about the people and things........ Garroth nods, then starts to run for Aphmau's house. I follow Laurence inside, and we stand next to a blue haired guard under the ladder. After a moments wait, Aphmau pushes past, and goes up to KiKi, waving for me to come up as well. By my surprise, I slowly follow behind her. 

     "Kiki! Kiki are you okay?!" Aphmau asks worried, and pauses as she see's the small child before Kiki."Oh my gosh.......Oh my gooosh! Kiki, is this..."

      "Oh Aphmau! Isn't she beautiful?" Kiki says smiling. 

       "Kiki! She's precious!" Aphmau replies and I grin.

       "She's so cute....." I gawk.

       "Hehe! Thank you guys! Now I'm just stuck thinking of a name for her..." 

       "I'm sure you'll figure something out Kiki!" 

        "I-i think I want to name her Leona, it means lion. I want her to be strong."

        I walk closer to the baby a laugh. 

        "Of coarse she'll be strong. I can tell. With you as her mother, there's no doubt." I assure. 

        "Hehe! Thanks Dawn. Aphmau thank you too. Now, I just....want to spend alone time with my little angle. Would you both mind giving us a moment?" Kiki asks.

         "Of coarse." Aphmau and I say.

         "Thank you, I so so happy right now!" 

         "She's so cute!" Aphmau squeals. 

          "So adorable! She's all wrapped up and eeeek! She's so tiny!" I coo over the baby. 

          Aphmau takes a quick look in a box, mummbling something about the pendant being gone. She pulls me to the side and smiles. 

          "Sorry I dragged you up here with me, but I know you haven't really gotten a chance to do much, or get to know whats been going on. Of coarse, everyone seems a bit skeptical of you at the moment, and there are still many things you and I have to talk about, but Garroth talked with me, and said he wanted you to get better acquainted. And I think babies are the best thing for acquainting yourself! Eeeek she's su cute~!" Aphmau says. 

         "uh-heh.........really? When did Garroth have time to talk to you about it- uh....sorry, it's just I think I really like this. I feel like I'm part of the town already, but- I still have a lot to do before I earn peoples trust........I'm sure the people are confused about the event the other day......" I replie.

          "Don't worry, I'm sure the people will warm up to you. I think I'm feeling better about you being here, after what I was told. Enough about that! Now come on, let's go down stairs." She answers and we start going down the ladder. 

           We go down and see the blue haired guared with the remains of the pedant, and Garroth and Laurence beside him. Aphmau speaks to Garroth, and I walk over to the guard holding the pedant. 

          "Hey. Are you the friend Garroth told me about? The one from Ok'hasis?" He asks bluntly. 

           "Um....yes I am, I'm Dawn..." I answer. "And you are?" 

           "I'm Dante, one of Aphmau's guards...." He replies. 

           "I could tell. Mostly because you're wearing matching armor to Garroth and Laurence and- wait, Garroth told you about me?"  

           "Yeah. He was talking to me about when you guys played as children when Zane brought you back to the palace. Though Garroth and Zane didn't get along so well, you talked to Garroth when Zane wasn't around. Of coarse that ended after a few years when Garroth left, and found his way here." 

            "Really? He remembers that? What else did he say?" 

            "Nothing else really, just a few minor details."

             I nod and walk to Laurence while Aphmau approaches Dante. He makes a goofy grin and I raise my eyebrow. 

             "I'm guessing this is a inappropriate time to goof off, especially the energy I'm sensing from the others. So what's with the face?" I ask. 

              "What's with the face? What's with your face? It's too beautiful." He answers.

              I roll my eyes and look back to Aphmau. 

              "If that's what you guys think, and that we should try to keep it safe, then yeah. Dante, I trust you to keep that pendant safe, alright, you guys just go keep an eye on Kiki, i'm going to go back, and get some rest." Aphmau says and starts to head off. 

               I nod, and look at Garroth, we both smile and sit, leaning on the wall under the ladder. 

               "I sure am tired...."I mumble. 

               "Go ahead, sleep. Us three have got it covered, then when one of us get sleepy, we'll wake you up so they can sleep. Fair enough?" Laurence offers. 

                "Oh, thanks. As long as it's okay with you two."
                They all nod and grin, then shut my eyes, thinking back on what Lady Aphmau said earlier.  

                           "Don't worry, I'm sure the people will warm up to you. I think I'm feeling better about you being here, after what I was told" 

                Garroth has been looking out for me, he told Aphmau good things, and Dante, just to make it easier on me and my impression on the lord, and the guards. I guess he has always been the one to stick up for people. yawn............I think it's time I....................go

           Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And continue reading! That's it for now, bye meh fearsome readers! 

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