Here Comes Aria, MTV

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Aria's Pov

I lay in my bed, staring up the eggshell coloured ceiling. Fresh tears are pooled on my face, and my whole body shakes, not from being cold, but shock. The house is eerily quiet, my parents are at work, and my brother at a lacrosse practice. A million thoughts buzz through my head as I try to comprehend what I just found out. I stare at the white stick in my trembling hands, and my heart jolts once again. There is no denying the fact that I am pregnant.

I have to tell him. Even though the thought of it makes me want to vomit, I need to reveal my news. It's not fair if I don't. It's his child too.

After forcing myself to get out of bed and drive to Ezra's, I walk down the hallway to the all-too-familiar apartment, trying to stay calm. I'm nervous how he'll react, the only thing I can do is expect the worst.

I knock lightly on the wooden door, then twist the knob and walk in.

"Hey." Ezra says with a smile, barley looking up from his book. I called him earlier and said that I had something to tell him, but I know that what I'm about to say is far off from what he's expecting.

I sit beside him and stare down at my shiny deep purple nails, trying to piece together a way to tell him. Should I just say it how it is, a simple I'm pregnant, or should I stretch it out longer?

"Ezra," I say, trying to sound confident, though I know it's far from that "I need to tell you something." He notices the panic in my voice and frowns.

"Sure. Anything." I clench my hands into fists to stop the shaking.

I take a deep breath "Please don't get mad," I start "Because I couldn't stand you being angry with me."

He puts his arm around me "I won't get mad. I promise." The sincerity in his voice kills me; he shouldn't be making any promises he might not be able to keep.

I sigh, wondering how the hell I'm going to do this. How I'm going to tell Ezra that I'm pregnant at only sixteen years old. I feel a familiar lump in my throat beginning to form, and quickly try a few yoga breaths in hopes that it'll keep me from crying. Why did this have to happen to me of all people? We were careful, we used protection, so why did this have to happen? I don't want a baby at sixteen, to be a Mom before I even graduate high school. I don't deserve to have my life turned completely upside down, and neither does Ezra. It's not fair, and I wish I could just ignore the truth in hopes that it'll magically go away. But I can't, ignoring the fact that I'm pregnant is impossible. With a deep breath, I prepare the two words on my tongue. The two words that may change my entire relationship with my boyfriend. My everything.

I go to say those two poisonous little words, but realize that I can't. By saying those words, I may potentially ruin the best thing that's ever happened to me way quicker than it started. I could singlehandedly ruin our relationship by spilling my new biggest secret. Not singlehandedly. He's just as responsible as I am for my pregnancy. I wouldn't be pregnant without Ezra, and if our relationship crashes and burns, we're both responsible.

He looks at me expectantly, waiting for what I have to say. For a moment, I just stare at how perfect Ezra is. His dark hair, his well-sculpted features. Most of all, his personality is what made me fall in love with him. I've never met someone so charming, so kind. God, I love this man. I don't ever want to lose him. I refuse to let go of the thing I love the most.

But I still need to tell him. I can't leave him in the dark. The irrational part of me is saying that maybe just fleeing town without letting anyone know would be a good idea, but sadly I know that's not an option. I could leave Ezra's apartment right now and cut all ties with him, that way I won't be ruining his life along with my own. Although I don't think it's physically possible for me to just suddenly pretend Ezra doesn't exist. I love him.

What if I don't have to physically say the words, what if I just show him? With my new idea, I stand up and walk over to my bag, then walk back to Ezra with my hands behind me. I hold tightly onto the wad of paper towel wrapped around the pregnancy test. Still behind my back, I open up the paper towel so that the test is visible.

It takes everything I have to bring it from behind my back and in front of Ezra, so I squeeze my eyes shut, scared to see his reaction.

I think of teen pregnancies in movies and shows, when a guy gets a girl pregnant then leaves her. I don't want that to happen with me. It can't happen with me. I love Ezra too much to let him go.

I wait for him to say something, anything, but he stays quiet. With each painfully silent second that passes, my hope for Ezra to be okay with this fades. He's going to leave me. Pretend like I suddenly don't exist anymore. My nightmare is becoming a reality.

Suddenly, I feel him wrap his arms around me. Ezra pulls me close to him, embracing me in a hug. He kisses me, still not saying a word. I don't want to hold it in anymore, so I let the tears pour down my cheeks.

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