Something Bad is Going to Happen

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Ana left her husband's office quickly, safely making it to a nearby alley before vomiting up everything in her stomach. As soon as she was sure everything was out, she leaned against the cold brick wall, closing her eyes. It was too much; having sex with her husband had made her queasy for awhile, but since she saw what he had done to that nurse, being with him made her physically sick. His touch made her skin crawl.

She couldn't believe that she may never have to let him touch her again; she may never have to feel his lips on hers. She was ecstatic at the thought. She pulled out her phone and quickly dialed Jonny's number. As soon as he picked up, she quickly whispered into the phone.

"He agreed; the stupid fucker agreed. The bastard trusts me too much! We will be at the club-3pm sharp. Be ready!!" She hung up, a huge smile lighting her face as she quickly walked from the alley, back into the sunlight.

~~~~Joker's Mansion~~~~

Jonny grinned over at his boss as he hung up the phone; Joker was staring intently back at him.

"Spit it out, Frosty..." he growled

"He agreed. He is coming to the club. We have the sadistic bastard, boss!"

Joker's face split into a smile at the same time as Harley's and Hatter's. The only one in the room not smiling was Lisbeth, who sat listlessly in an armchair in the corner of the room.

Joker let out a low hiss and stalked over to her, grabbing her arms roughly and pulling her up from the chair.

"Come on doll; you are ruining the party here." He growled out, his grip on her wrists tightening.

Lisbeth tried to smile, "I'm sorry, daddy. I am just worried...I can't help but be worried. Something isn't right...something bad is going to happen."

Joker let out a cold laugh before letting go of one of her arms and grabbing her chin tightly, forcing her to look up at him.

"I am trying, baby girl, I really am...but you are testing my patience." He said, gripping her chin to the point tears started leaking down her cheeks, in pain.

"I know daddy, I know. I am just being difficult. I am sorry. I won't doubt you or the plan. I promise."

J let go of her chin and wrist, quickly wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her up to him. "That is a good girl." He murmured into her hair, before kissing her neck and putting her down.

He looked down at his little Nursey; though he bruises were fading, the dark circles under her eyes seemed to be getting worse and her cheeks looked hollow and thin. She was definitely losing weight, but he did not know if it was from stress or not eating.

He let out a small sigh before he ran a hand through her hair. "What you need is a hot meal and an early night." He looked over at Hatter. "Bring your lady to her room and order her some take-out, whatever she wants."

Hatter nodded and walked towards Lisbeth. As he passed Joker, he felt him grab his arm and a hissed whisper near his ear. "And make sure she eats! She is going to need her strength for tomorrow!"

Hatter nodded again and walked the rest of the way to Lisbeth, taking her arm gently.

Lisbeth gave a small smile to J before blowing him a small kiss.

"Good night." She murmured to the room before quietly exiting with Hatter.

Joker sighed again as he watched her leave. As soon as she was gone and the door was shut, he glared around the room before punching the nearest wall as hard as he could. Harley grimaced and shook her head as Jonny looked towards the door with a worried look.

"Fuck!!!" You would think she would be happy!! We are doing this for her!!! The man that haunts her nightmares will be dead! She can see the life drain from that bastard's body!!"

Jonny stepped forward, clearing his throat,running the words through his head before he said them aloud.

"You are right boss, but...but, you know our lady. She worries about everyone. She is different from us-she is not used to the pain and death that surround us. She will be fine, I am sure, once she sees that we are all safe and the only one being hurt is Dig.

Joker looked over at Harley as he felt her wrap a handkerchief around his bloodied knuckles; her natural reaction whenever he got hurt.

She glanced up at his eyes. "Frosty is right. She will be fine. Of course she doesn't trust the world right now; look what the world has given her. We have to trust her, Mister J. We caught a glimpse of her strength after she was rescued. We have to remember that and trust it will get her through tomorrow.

Joker wiped at his eyes with his uninjured hand and sat down in his chair.

"She had better. She needs to start healing. This is all for is for her..."

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