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Here are almost ALL the people I see in my feed, that has supported this story, an I feel like I need to shout you out and thank you :) {SORRY IF I MISSED YOU! JUST COMMENT AND I'LL  ADD YOU :) }

mestons xxlemonpugxx merrelltwins_winners merrelltwinner12 MerrellTwinner04 Memetrento123 merrell_love Catfghfjgdd cocoultra64 Graysons4OU4Me thegeek132 JoannaTwinner Josie005 JupiterBananaNaeNae Bat206 VlCT0RY thejuddy HaleyJohnson962 AndreaDeVilla129 CariMTdance Alittlewonderinggirl merrelllover1 Uni_bug popeyanni Avasimagination dolanmerrell_bananas

The main people I see are
JoannaTwinner and

So special love goes out to these five, for always being active and wonderful :) I tried my best to follow everyone back, so thanks :) you are all equally amazing and deserve shoutouts, so go follow each other and we can become a big family xx

Let's all be friends!!!!!!!! #twinners4life

Love you! Thank you! Xx- zozobear

Happily ever after ~Merrell twins fanfiction {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now