Imagine #59: Kai

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Imagine being a Parker and Kai's younger sister (requested)

The flowers were blackened in their holder, left to rot just as he who lay beneath had been. The grave was old, much older than you or even your parents you decided. The inscription had worn out from a century of battery, only the first two were still visible; Ka.

"I know what you're thinking." You said quietly. "Your stupid little sister couldn't even be bothered to visit your actual grave this year but it's a 40 hour drive and I don't want to risk seeing Dad. It's just a rock anyway, you're not even really buried there." You continued, staring vacantly at the headstone. "I got a job, waiting tables but its something. Jo's got a boyfriend, she's happier than ever. Liv and Luke just started college... I miss you so much and I know you probably think I'm over it but I am never going to get over it, Kai. They told me they were going to let you do the merge and I believed them. If I'd warned you, done something... Maybe you'd still be alive." You rambled, it was the same every year. You could have saved him, you could have done something.

Footsteps crunched in the leaves behind you but you didn't budge, scarcely caring who saw you crazy talking to the grave of a stranger. "Thought I'd find you here." Jo commented, her tone hesitant as she glanced at the headstone at your feet.

"I should've gone home for this." You muttered, tossing the flowers you'd brought at the headstone. "He doesn't even like flowers. Why would I bring him flowers?"

"He always loved bringing you flowers though." Jo attempted, still so unsure of how to cope with your grief. "It's been nearly 22 years, Y/N. He would want you to move on with your life."

"That's the thing though, isn't it? I did. I have the job, the house, the friends. The picturesque suburban life that he should have gotten." You said bitterly, already knowing exactly what road Jo was trying to lead you down.

"He killed our siblings, Y/N. He tried to kill me. The sooner you accept that the better." Jo snapped quite suddenly. "Kai was a menace. He was our brother, yes but we owe him nothing. He deserved what he got." She finished, her eyes ablaze.

"How can you say that? How can you look me in the eye and tell me your twin deserved to die at the hands of his own father? Everything Kai did, he did because we as a family drove him to it. You knew what dad was going to do and you still marched your own brother to his death, Jo." You said coldly, turning your back on your elder sister before she could say another word. Jo was never going to come to terms with what she had done, you'd long since accepted that but ruining your one moment of mourning was bad even for her.

"Y/N, please just listen to me. Kai is- I mean was bad." Jo called after you and you somehow managed to stop yourself from flipping her the middle finger.


You couldn't help but feel rather proud of yourself as you hauled the crate full of blood bags out of your car trunk. Jo had been pestering you non-stop about how you just had to hate Kai so you'd done what any logical person would do. You'd hacked into her account at the hospital using the same password she'd been using since 3rd grade and ordered 23 blood bags out and loaded them into your car. You figured the Salvatore's could use the fall out of your little piece of revenge so you'd pulled up outside their house and lugged in the crate yourself.

Damon and Elena stood tensely in the living room, arguing about god knows what. They both turned to you, in varying states of disarray and you worried for a second that you had interrupted a lover's spat.

"I brought you some blood bags." You offered awkwardly, holding the crate up in Damon's direction. He ignored it, simply staring at you perplexed before turning back to Elena.

"What is she doing here?" Damon asked, barely even waiting for Elena to shrug before continuing. "Well get her out of here now."

"You guys know I can hear you right?" You questioned, putting the crate down as straight as you could on the couch. "Want to tell me what's going on?"

"It's better if you stay out of it." Elena said apologetically, already moving to push you out the door.

"So what do you say, want to make a deal with the-" Kai walked into the room with all the confidence of a dead man walking. His voice failed as his eyes found you, stopping in place completely unsure of how to react or what to do.

"Kai?" Your voice was sparse as you stared at him, he hadn't aged a day in twenty years. Prison world. The word hung over your head like a lightbulb going off, guilt churning in your gut as you realized how obvious it should have been to you. Joshua Parker would never settle merely on murder, he was a Gemini, the prison worlds were half of their niche.

"You're alive?" Kai's voice was thin as he stared at you warily. "I thought... They told me I killed you. I mean I barely remember that night but..." He trailed off slowly.

You buried yourself in his chest before he had time to continue, wrapping your arms around him as tightly as you could. A part of you was so afraid he wasn't real and another that he would walk out the door and leave you once again. Instead you felt his arms wrap just as tightly around you as you were holding him.

"They told me they killed you and I didn't know what to do, Kai." You murmured. "I should've known, I'm so sorry."

"Please don't cry." Kai pleaded, pull away from you quickly almost simply to makenaure that you weren't crying already. "I got out, didn't I?" He added, hoping that at the least would cheer you up.

"Jo's going to kill us, right?" Elena asked Damon but you ignored them. "We weren't supposed to let her know that he was back."

Damon shrugged nonchalantly. "You know we're vampires right, only one of them has magic... I've got a few tricked up my sleeve, Elena."

You rolled your eyes, very calmly grabbing Kai's arm behind you. "Whatever you say, Damon... Invisique."

You felt a cool wave wash over you as both you and Kai became invisible to the naked eye. Kai laughed as Damon began grumbling about witches and how dare she etcetera, etcetera. The two of you sauntered out to the lawn and a couple of blocks down the street before you let go of his hand and released the spell.

"I can't believe your alive." You admitted, hugging him again just to make sure he was really tangibly there.

"My baby sister grew up without me." Kai said quietly. "Liv and Luke are 17 already, Jo's a full fledged doctor. It's weird, the world just moved on."

"Not everything's changed." You hesitated, trying to cheer him up. You were locked in a surreal state of knowing him better than you knew yourself and looking at a stranger. The world had kept spinning, sure, but Kai was a frozen fragment of time that you couldn't imagine ever really changing. "I still keep that stupid stuffed whale on my bed even though I'm an adult with bills and a mortgage and stuff."

"You still have Nora?" Kai's eyes went wide. "I need to see this." He said filled with the same joy you'd expect of a 8 year old in the same situation.

"You're never going to grow up are you?" You muttered, thanking your lucky stars when he didn't hear you. "I'm so glad you're back you doof."

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