I meet him

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(Y/N) pov   

I was at the airport waiting for my flight to be called. "Flight F4 is going to fly out in 30 minutes please come if you are getting on flight F4" the announcer announced. I stood up and walked to the gate. 

~Time skip brought to you by Jimin's  jams~  

As I arrived I heard loud barks. Probably (D/N) cause she missed me. As I rang the door bell my little sister opened it. "(Y/N) long time no see" she called mom and dad. Dad was working in the basement and mom was cooking. They weren't able to come but heard me say hi.

"(Y/N) can you please walk (D/N) pls we are all busy" my mom asked. Weird my mom always greets me when she sees me.

"Okay Eomma" I shouted back to her.

"(D/N) come her" she was so excited to see me that she kept on jumping around and I couldn't put the leash on her. "Aaarrgghhh" I screamed form pain in my chest. My older brother heard me and came running to me.

"(Y/N) are you okay?" he asked me. "I'm fine I just need to take a break" I answered and tried to sit. Keun my brother came out with pain relieving pills and some water. "So your heart... how is it after the surgery?" he asked me. "After the surgery it still hurts but it will for a while. And the doctors told me to be careful cause it is also life threatening." I answered him back. "Please bbe careful okay"

"Yes" I answered him back. I took the dog with me.

~Time skip cause I'm lazy~   

As I was walking around the park with (D/N) I saw a squirrel. I looked at (D/N) and saw her looking at it too. She started to chase after it. (D/N) then went crazy and attacked a man and started to lick him. I ran to the guy to get (D/N) back and to help him. As I came closer I noticed that the guy was young, somewhere around my age. I helped him up. we started to talk but then he said " Oh, how stupid of me my name is Kunpimook Bhuwakul but my friends call me Bambam" he said but then realized what he said because I figured out that he is the Bambam from the k-pop group Got7.

"I guess I spoke to soon. But you aren't going to freak out?" he asked me. I think that that was cute, wait what am I thinking STOP.

"I want to but I can't" I told him.

"Why" he asked.

"well its a long story so don't worry about it." I reassured him.

"It's okay I have time on my hands, lets go sit there and talk. You are probably tired of standing." I nodded and followed him to the bench that was nearby. 

While I told him the whole story he was staring at me with his mouth hanging wide open. He was probably shocked. I don't why but I had the urge to close his mouth so I did it. After I realized what I did, I slightly blushed. "That was very painful wasn't it?". I was a little shocked that he would respond but I just nodded in response.

"(Y/N)" I heard someone yell form a distance. As I turned around a girl ran up to me.

"Who's this? Wait don't tell me that this is your boyfriend, wait no you already have a boyfriend. Wait are you cheating on him?" she asks but I recognize the voice. It was Lisa and when I looked at the rest of the girls behind her I saw Jisoo, Rose and Jennie. I instantly stood up and hugged them all. They squeezed me even tighter. All four of them were my best friends until I had to move but I still kept contact with Lisa. Now they are a famous k-pop group called black pink which I totally support.  

"Lisa to be honest I broke up with that whore. In fact he was the one who cheated with some Korean hoe. So I came back here now we can all be together again." I told Lisa.

"What was her name?" Rose asked.

"I believe it was Shin Bin (in Korean last name goes first). Bin what a name for a hoe." I said  to the girls.

"(Y/N) you said Shin Bin right?" Bambam asked me.

"Ya. Why?" I asked him. He stood up and was about to leave but I stopped him and said "What's wrong, was it something I said or do you know this person?" I looked at him confused.

"How about we meet here at the same time tomorrow. Sounds good?" he asked. I looked at the girls for no reason but they motioned me to say yes.

"Sounds like a plan later" I told him. He smiled at me and went the other direction. I turned at the girls and they squealed like pigs.

"Girl you just got yourself a date with an idol, or should I say a K-pop idol" Lisa said. She might look serious but she is so immature.

(ok so before you all start to say that I am wrong about these people's behavior like Lisa then I'm sorry but this is my story my characters and my setting. so before you go saying that I am wrong now or in the future then think about who is writing this story. So think before you speak or in this case think before you comment k. Anyways...

PANDA OUT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) 

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