Problems (pt2)

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(Y/n's pov)

I heard gun shots coming from Bambam's room and then me, Youngjae and Fiona ran to Bam's room only to find two people on the floor. I quickly ran to Bambam only to find blood in his stomach area.

"Y/n you gotta see this" I heard Fiona call my name. I went over to where Fiona was and I saw Jacob on the ground knocked out. I then heard sirens outside. The officers had come in to take the unconscious boy away. The paramedics had come and taken Bambam away. We asked what relationship we have to him. I said that I was his girlfriend while the couple next to me said they were his friends.

~time skip~

(Youngjae's pov)

*ring ring*

I heard my phone ring. I looked at the caller and it was Jaebum. I picked up the call.

"Hey where are the four of you? We were calling you all but none of you answered. And Bam's phone is in his room, he never forgets it. Anyways where are you guys?" Hearing how happy Jaebum sounded had made me even more sad. "Youngjae? Is everything okay?"

"Hyung... were at the hospital" I said. When Jaebum screamed 'hospital' Keun when on the phone and screamed "HOSPITAL DID SOMETHING HAPPEN TO Y/N?!" I am almost on the edge of tears from saying his name.

"No Hyung... it's Bambam....." After that the call ended.

~time skip~ 

The rest of Got7 rushed here to the hospital that I told them to come to. They all rushed to were we were sitting.

"What happened to him?!" Jinyoung hyung was shaking me. I looked at him about to cry.

(Fiona's pov)

The three of us were traumatized from the incident. I saw Jinyoung about to yell at Youngjae but I came up to Jinyoung and touched his shoulder. I gave him a look and he let go of Youngjae. I instantly hug him, he was crying and I couldn't but to shed a tear as wheel. Right now Bambam is going through surgery to get the bullet out. I took Youngjae to sit next to Y/n. She was crying and muttering that it was all her fault. I took her arm and told her that everything is okay. Everyone is crying except for me. I want to calm everyone down. Seeing my friends except for me reminds me of myself. I have lost a lot of people in my life either they were shot or they had died from accidents or overdosing. 


my parents had died from a car accident. I went to their funeral to see everyone crying except for me. My aunt and uncle came up to me and said "Why aren't you crying are happy that your parents are gone? Is that what you anted you ungrateful child?". My  kept screaming at me and my aunt only nodded her head I agreement. I was only 10, after people around me start to die people kept calling me a witch and a fake. I started skipping classes and hanging out at the roof constipating of I should jump or not. But I was too blinded by my depression that I was about to jump until a girl pulled me off the roof. I fell on top of her getting her hurt. I kept apologizing but she laughed it off. She told me that her name was Y/n.

She told me that she was always watching me and felt so bad. We had started to hang out together at lunch and afterschool. One time I saw her getting beat up by our school's most popular girl throwing threats at her. Apparently Y/n was their friend and made a bet to befriend me then break my heart. But Y/n didn't want to do the bet and she told them that she wanted to be my real friend. She had everything but because of me she lost everything. She told me everything but she as strong. She also told me about her heart condition which nobody but her family knew. I also told her my deepest secrets. After graduation she had to go to America to get surgery  and study there. I was so heart broken but she said to contact her everyday. She promised to come back. Unfortunately she didn't and she was my first and last friend to ever be.

~flashback end~ 

I am happy to have my bestfriend back and I even get a boyfriend. If it wasn't for Youngjae we would've met. I'm so happy that I have them to....

In front me stood Youngjae. "Come I want to talk to you" he said. I followed him to the roof.

(hey Fandas I'm sorry that I have not updated for so long but my internet as not been working and I am at my brother's café trying to finish this chapter. I want to make this long to make up for my absence. I also want to announce my new book called "The run away" a Yoongi x reader book. I hope you enjoy that book as well. This book will soon come to an end so I want to star a new one. I might not update very often because of school but I will try to find time to update. Anyways.....

PANDA OUT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)

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