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"The worst feeling ever is not knowing whether I should wait."

At the restaurant

Tzuyu's POV

"Yah unnie say something." I said to Sana unnie and she made an "OK" sign.

"So, how did the both of you get together?" Sana unnie asked referring to Sooyoung and Jungkook's 'relationship'. Sooyoung smirked at me. "Oh, we just confessed to each other and BAM! we got together." Sooyoung said with a fake smile plastered on her face, I feel like ripping off that fake smile.

Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrated and it was from Jungkook.

From: Bunny 🐰
"I'll explain to you what happened. I'm sorry."

I don't believe whatever you say now Jungkook but since you say so, I will wait for that 'explanation' of yours.

I didn't reply him back.

Jungkook's POV

I saw her reading the message and I was waiting for a reply but after she read it, she looked up and continue eating with a cold face.

To: Yoda 💗

"Yah, why don't you reply me? I asked feeling mad already.

She read the message and rolled her eyes on me. This time she's typing something and I hope she's replying me.

Zzzz 🔊

From: Yoda 💗

"I don't care what is your explanation because you have a girlfriend now, so please stop disturbing me and stop texting me before Sooyoung or Sana unnie catches us."

Sooyoung's POV

Jungkook and that cold girl kept looking at their phone. They must be texting each other, so I decided to take Jungkook's phone secretly and see what the both of them has been up to.

Jungkook still likes that cold girl? I'll get rid of you Chou Tzuyu.

Author's POV

After dinner, Tzuyu went to the toilet. Seeing that, Sooyoung followed Tzuyu to the toilet and carried out her plan.

"I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM JUNGKOOK DIDN'T I?" Sooyoung shouted to Tzuyu while pushing her towards the wall in the toilet. Tzuyu was starstruck, she couldn't say anything.

Sooyoung slapped her numerous times, pulled her hair that made Tzuyu fall to the ground. After successfully carrying out her plan, Sooyoung went out of the toilet as if nothing happened.

"Where's Tzuyu?" Jungkook asked looking around behind Sooyoung.

"Oh, she asked us to leave first because she said she might be long." Sooyoung said showing her fake grin. At first, Jungkook didn't want to leave but Sooyoung harshly dragged him to the car. On the other hand, Sana had a weird feeling and ran to the toilet.

Sana's POV

Woah, I have a POV now. Anyways, I had an ominous feeling about Tzuyu in the toilet so I went to check her out. When I reached the toilet, I was so shocked when I saw Tzuyu on the floor looking so weak and bruises on her face.

"Tzuyu what happened?!" I asked Tzuyu but she didn't reply because she was so weak. I quickly called the ambulance to take her as I had no strength to carry her.

Tzuyu-ah, please be safe...

Sooyoung's POV

This is only the starting Chou Tzuyu, there's more to come.

Annyeong! Thanks for 37 readers!! Do wait for chapter 9 and don't forget to vote and follow me! :'))

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