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Jungkook's POV

Sooyoung is getting crazier and no one is helping us in this smelly attic house of hers.


Maybe they're at Sooyoung's house.

Sooyoung's House

Geez, since when did her house became so dirty. I walked went up the stairs and found no one, I had a bad feeling about the both of them so I went to find them in every room of hers.

I gave up finding them but when I was about to go out of the house, I heard a scream. It sounds  so familiar..

I went to find the source of the voice and saw Jungkook shouting at Sooyoung and Tzuyu crying with a bruised face in a big attic, I didn't knew that Sooyoung's house had an attic. After seeing that situation, I immediately called the police.

A few minutes later

The sound of the police siren was heard and I felt relieved. I had been watching them the whole time and Sooyoung got
crazier each time Jungkook shouts at her.

The police went down to the attic with me slowly trying not to make any noise. However, Jungkook saw me and the police but pretended not to see us when I placed my index finger on my lips indicating him to shut up.

Jungkook's POV

Sooyoung was too much already and I kept shouting at her asking her to stop doing all this, Tzuyu on the other hand was crying with a bruised face and I felt very annoyed at myself for not being able to protect her when she needed me.

After a few minutes, I saw V hyung with a few police behind him but he placed his index finger on his lips and I knew what he meant right away and pretended that I didn't see him.

Sooyoung was attempting to slash Tzuyu's face when the police came just in time.

"POLICE! HANDS UP!" Sooyoung got shocked and place the knife around Tzuyu's neck trying to kill her.

"Come nearer and I will kill her!" Tzuyu was crying in despair.

V hyung quickly ran behind me and untied me up so I went behind Sooyoung and grabbed her hands but she accidentally slashed me and dropped the knife after that. The police managed to catch her and the other 2 big guys who was doing nothing the whole time.

Tzuyu's POV

I couldn't think of anything but Sooyoung killing me.

After Sooyoung got caught, Jungkook ran up to me and embraced me tightly while I was still crying.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you.." Jungkook said while rubbing my head.

"Do you know how scared I was?" I said crying.

"Now, let me send you guys home and get the both of you treated before the wound gets any worse." V Oppa suggested and we nodded.

Jungkook's House
"Ah... It hurts." Jungkook said while I apply some medicine on his cut.

"Sorry for making you involved in this..." he said looking away.

"It's okay." I replied bandaging his hand.


"Tzuyu, can you give us some time?" she understood what I meant and left with the first aid kit.

"Jungkookie, do you by any chance... like Tzuyu?" I asked.

"I don't know hyung, I just want to protect her and make her feel safe but when I see her laughing with other people makes me angry because I want to be the only one who should do so." he replied calmly.

"So you do like Tzuyu.." I mumbled.

Tzuyu's POV

I like you too Jeon Jungkook.

Hello readers! Chapter 17 is out and I hope you enjoyed reading it! Sorry for the bad grammars or spelling, don't forget to vote for this book and follow my account! :'))

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