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{Picture credits to owner}

Jungkook's POV

As soon as we reached "Kim Bridal" Tzuyu went in before me and looked at all the wedding dresses in awe.

"Wah, this dress is so beautiful! This dress too! Omg, that dress is so stunning!" she looked at one dress to another in a few seconds that the salesgirl were smiling at her actions.

((A/N: I'm sry guys idk wad do u call the girl who helps u plan ur wedding))

"Tzuyu-ah.. I understand that we're here to pick our wedding dresses but let's at least sit down and discuss about our wedding." I said chasing her who was looking at almost all the dresses.

"Ne.." she finally gave in and followed me.

We sat at a space where there were lots of mannequins and things like that. After a few minutes of waiting, a very glamorous woman came towards us and shook our hands while introducing herself with a really elegant smile.

"So what kind of wedding do the both of you want?" she asks while looking at the both of us with a notebook and a pen on her left hand.

"Something that is really exclusive and memorable for the both of us." I said while smiling.

"Very well then, i've chose a few wedding themes and the both of you could check them out here." she gave us a template full of wedding themes and the both of us looked at all of it.

"This one looks nice!" Tzuyu said pointing at the beach-themed wedding.

"Yah, but that is not exclusive enough. Let's do the red and gold themed wedding instead!" I said.

We were fighting over the themes that we've forgotten that the wedding planner was still in front of us.

"Guys calm down, I can mix both themes together. How about that?" she said calmly after seeing us bickering like childish kids.

Tzuyu's POV

Daebak! She can mix both themes together? I'm starting to love this wedding planner.

"So we'll have the beach themed wedding at the beach but instead of having the concept as a beach concept, we'll change it to red and gold instead." she said and I got confused for a second.

"Ah.. So it's at the beach but the concept is red and gold?" Jungkook said. Aish this guy catches things really fast.

"Ne! It'll be a fun wedding!" I said out of nowhere and saw a wide-eyed Jungkook.

"Ah ne.." the wedding planner smiled at me.

"Let's plan about the wedding gifts then." Jungkook said.

After 2 hours planning about our wedding, we finally bid our goodbye and went to have lunch.

"Jungkookie, that wedding planner is so kind and her ideas are awesome!" I said.

"Well, look who found that website." he said while smirking and driving towards a tteokbokki restaurant.

After our lunch, we went back home and continued researching about our wedding.

((A/N: If some of you guys are thinking if the both of them are working, yes they are but I just didn't include their working scenes in here.))

"Let's see... Wedding cards checked, gifts checked, food checked. We're just left with inviting our friends." Jungkook eagerly said as if he wants to finish everything by today.

I checked the time and it was already 10.29 pm,  my eyes were giving up on me and I dozed off beside Jungkook.

Author's POV

Jungkook was still busy researching about the wedding that he didn't even realised Tzuyu was already asleep beside him.

"Tzuyu-ah, should we invite our high school friends?" no response.

"Tzuyu? Aish she's already asleep, maybe I should sleep too." he checked the time.

"Omo, it's already 11.15 pm, I should really sleep."

The next morning at V's house

Author's POV

V woke up and realised that his whole house was in a mess because he came back drunk last night. He couldn't stop thinking about a girl that is already taken and she is going to get married soon. The girl is....


He liked Tzuyu since the day he saw her but he was too scared to confess his feelings for her because he didn't want to break his friendship with Jungkook neither does he want to break his friendship with Tzuyu so he just kept quiet about it.

"Aigoo, maybe I should clean this mess up." he said and started cleaning his house.

As he was cleaning up, he saw a picture of Tzuyu on his table and it was the picture the both of them took at the photobooth at the arcade the other day.

He sat on the sofa and sighed.


Why can't I just let her go? Dream on V, she will never be yours.

I kept telling myself that Tzuyu will never be mine but as time goes by, my feelings for her grew deeper.

At Jungkook's house

Jungkook's POV

I woke up and saw Tzuyu still sleeping beside me. She looks so cute even while sleeping, she must be really tired.

I stared at her for a few seconds until I realised that it was a Monday and I had work.

"Tzuyu-ah, wake up..." I woke her up and she immediately woke up.

"Tzuyu, I need to go to work, can you help me send this invitation card to V hyung? He's not working today." I said.

"Ne, just leave the card on the table and i'll go to his house later." after hearing that, I nodded and went to get ready for work.

Tzuyu's POV

After Jungkook left and i've eaten my breakfast, I went to change up and go to V oppa's house.

When I reached his apartment, I knocked on the door and he opened it with a big smile plastered on his face.

"Tzuyu? Come in." he said and I entered his apartment.

"So, what brings you here?" he asked.

I showed him the invitation card and he frowned when he saw it but smiled afterwards.

"Ne, I'll come to your wedding, thanks for the invitation." he said and I smiled at him and stood up but a hand pulled me.

"V oppa, what are you doing?" I asked him.

"Ah, mianhae. Actually, I have something to tell you." tell me?

Annyeong readers! Sry for the late update again :'(( Really glad that my bk is getting lots and lots of readers andI thank you guys so much for supporting me!! Don't forget to vote and follow! :')))

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