5/13/17 Show

51 11 8

I honestly can't use one word to describe the show as it was a rollercoaster. It started out pretty bad, but then got REALLY good, and then went downhill. Let's just say Spunky's definitely a pole and keyhole horse. It started out with Spunky, and I fighting in Flags, so you guessed it, no time. Then Keyhole came and we ran an 11 so it was an okay run. Then I had a mini heart attack when they announced the placings, I was expecting the top 2 or 3 but that was not it. For the first time since I joined Central I came in first! I actually won! I've never had the fastest time in the year I've been there and I've finally accomplished that!
Next we ran Poles and it went pretty well. We ran a 29.0 so that's are new best time! So I was proud of that. We weren't announced as the top 5, but since one of those girls that were aren't a member, we are in the top 5 for points, though, if I'm right.
This was the point we went downhill. Our speed time was a 9.6 so not our best, but I did have a reason. I came out of the arena, almost crying. As a while back I did something to my hip, and it was bad for about I week then back to normal. Well when I ride it aches, but when I ride hard, with all the jerking in the horses movement, in speed, and barrels, it's bad. So I had a bad speed run because of that.
Then next in barrels, Spunky was fighting me and let's just say we could have won an award for the most broken pattern. We're going to try left barrel at the next show as I prepare for it. Also at some point soon, my mother is making me go to the doctor, because of my hip, ugh. So I guess that's the inside scoop on that show.

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