A Bit of an Interjection

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Before I start I want to say I'm sorry for not keeping up with the update schedule that I had set for myself, but things have gotten in the way recently and yeah, I put stuff on the backburners. This chapter will be a little raw, I'm in the area of stressed beyond stress and wanted to explain why I haven't updated yet about a million things.

Anyways onto what I was going to say is that I'm freaking out as State is literally this Friday and I'm pretty much horseless. Well, not really but it feels like it. Tino has come up unsound and unshowable and we have three days to figure out what we're doing at 8 am Friday morning. I mean I always have Spunky, but while she'll do it, it's like taking a donkey to a Thoroughbred race. Tino placing was a one in a million, a long shot, but she's impossible. She's my baby and will be there for all my other events but I'm totally stressed for HUS and Queens. So I feel like this will be a total hot mess. And there's the stressed coming out. We were going to try and borrow a horse but the only people we know well enough to borrow a horse from are also in those classes or don't have a horse that could do it currently. Like our good friend that has a HUS prospect that they'd let us borrow if it was able to be used, but it's not much more than track broke so that won't work for Friday.

On top of that, I feel so selfish for feeling like Spunky isn't competent. I mean I know she's not but I also know that I should be so grateful to have this opportunity. I would have given my right kidney to do just this last year. I am so grateful for the chance I really am, but I really thought this was going to be my year. You know what I mean? If not to place I was thinking that I'd perhaps shoot to make finals and go from there but that feels shattered now. Tino was showing your prospect, Spunky is just something else entirely. I feel bad for saying this but I felt like I wasn't going to be the embarrassment of the class, not great but not the "oh look a barrel horse". But it seems like that's not going to happen so we'll just have to make the best of it.

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