Equestrian Challenge: Days 2-5

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Day 2: The last time I rode a horse a horse was Saturday. We rode around for maybe 45 minutes, and we just done basic riding for the vast majority  of the ride but we also did some jumping, as shown in the previous chapter.

Day 3: My best ride ever is honestly a hard thing to choose, as I've had so many great rides but if I had to choose one it would probably be my speed ride at the last show that I went to a little over a week ago, as it's probably the fastest I've ever had Spunky move, and it was our fastest speed time by far. It was just the adrenaline, and knowing the fact that we had just ran our fastest time yet.

Day 4: I've had a long list of important horses in my life that have taught me things, but the ones below are probably the most important ones.
Capri: She was my first horse, and the biggest lesson I learned from her was that life will throw curves at you, and it will throw you to the ground, but you just gotta get back on, and come back stronger this time. She was also my first fall, but I'll describe it later.
MK: He was my first big horse, he was the one to teach me the basics, he didn't care how many mistakes I made he just done what he was told. He took me to my first play day, and my first rodeo. We weren't competitive but he shown me a sneak peak of what it was like in the equestrian world.
Spunky: She was my first gallop, she was my first 20 second barrels, she was my first 8 second speed, she was my first 28 second poles, she was my first 9 second keyhole, and she was the first horse I stood up on without a spotter. She was my first horse show. She's gave me a bite of the competition, and has taken me to both State and Show of Champions, for the first time. She's gave me a taste of actual speed, and I can't thank her enough for that. She's shown me what  it's like to have a horse that fully trusts you.
Cassie: She's shown me what it's like to teach. And taught me that you won't always suceed at first, she's taught me patience, and that sometimes all you need is trust. She's gave me a whole other view on things.

Day 5: My first fall was off of Capri, and I honestly don't remember which one was first because she bucked me off many times and which one was first ran together. Plus I honestly don't remember too much from that time anyways, as I was young.

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