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I don't really know how to start this story but I feel like you need to hear it to understand Capri. I know I  haven't talked about her much but in all honesty she's really important to my equestrian career. She was my actual first horse, and it seems that I make it seem that MK was. No she was it's just she was never actual broke other than me getting on her in the round pen. And as you guessed it getting bucked off, dragged off, and many other things, but I kept getting back on. I honestly have her to blame for what I've done. Now for the story, which won't be that long as I was like 6 when it happened, and my mom doesn't tell the story much. So one day there were these two dogs, and Capri was attacked. We honestly weren't sure what would happen. It was pretty bad, and it was something that we knew would leave a scar, mind you this wound was on her lower back leg near her hoof. Well we called the vet out, and me being the kid who has wanted to be a vet since I could talk, was asking a million question, only to get one main answer, "You're gonna make a damn good vet with all these questions" Now back to the story, these wounds did heal up but not without leaving damage. Now as some of you have noticed she has a scar on her back right leg, and her hoof has a deep line in it, also the hoof doesn't grow right there as growth was pretty much halted. She's also cow hocked which I believe to be a mix of her injury as that leg is worse, than the other then it's partly a really common thing in miniature definitely registered ones who come from the same stock. Also just a tip when you go to the feed store and ask for a dose of something for a 300 pound horse, and laugh and be like are you sure it's not just a dog XD, so yeah.
It doesn't really effect her it's just that she doesn't have the best confirmation for halter and things, plus you don't want to jump her or ride her a lot, or have someone heavy ride her or lastly have her in foal, but it's just that she is great at stancing up to show that I really don't care that her conformation sucks. Then Spunky who has pretty good conformation is an interesting horse to stance up. And by interesting I mean she's hard and sometimes it's a fight but even so I still want to try halter as she comes from a lot of halter horse stock.
But because I now have two miniatures I was looking at the miniature show class list for the fair (which I'm trying to talk my parents into but will probably be a no as it's the weekend between state and show of champions which are both pricey shows, and tiring. Plus the miniature horse show is on a Tuesday, but the big horse show is on a Sunday so maybe I could at least do that show, maybe, it just depends.) So back to the list, I'm curious about how you show a miniature foal in halter, I mean do you lead it like a dog, because I mean if you lead it like a normal horse you'll be on the the ground in a crouch and that's not really the position you use for halter showing. So that's an interesting question in my mind. I mean miniatures can be shown in halter easily but their also normally like 26" to 36" (This is just off the top of my head, correct me if I'm wrong.) But a miniature foal is only like 12" to 20" inches tall. So does anyone know how they show miniature foals? Cause after seeing this I'm actually really curious.

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