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(For those of you here for this book and not the tag, I just want to let you know that I will update soon, hopefully tonight or tomorrow.)(Also I have no idea why I posted the tagged chapter in this book I guess I just didn't have any where else to place it.)

So I was tagged by PoetThePhillip_ to share the ten facts about myself from the tag photo above.

1. My Nickname - I honestly don't really have one other than when they mess with my name, or they call me by my initials sometimes because they are an alliteration. Though my parents have called me sharky/sharkie at some points due to the way I deal with money and make loans 😂.

2. My Eye Color - They're actually green, but we're blue when I was younger and I don't mean when I was a baby or toddler as I mean all children are born with blue eyes I mean until I was already partially through elementary school.

3. My Hair Color - It's a somewhat darkish brown color, it has a somewhat reddish tint in the sunlight but not enough to notice unless you just sit there and study it in the correct lighting, so I'll just go with dark brown.

4. One Fact About Me - Not the most original fact but I'm only 5'3"

5. Favorite Color - This is honestly a lot harder question than it should be, but I have to say it's a cooler color on the spectrum, so probably some shade of blue, I'm quite a fan of turquoise and like a royal or sapphire blue.

6. Favorite Place - Probably the barn or the arena, I mean just anywhere I can be with my horses and work with them and such.

7. Favorite Celebrity - I'm honestly not sure, it'd be someone from one of the casts of my favorite shows, so I probably have to say Madelaine Petsch.

8. Favorite Animal - Horses are hands down my favorite animal.

9. Favorite Song - It changes, all the time, like almost daily though I seem to listen to a lot of James Arthur, Tom Walker, Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, ans Sam Smith by looking at my Pandora history.

10. Favorite Book - What type of question is that? That's like asking a mother to pick her favorite child. I have a soft spot for If I Stay along with The Hunger Games, I could read both of those books over and over.

Now for the tags: (I honestly have to almost tag everyone I know to get to twenty, also sorry if you didn't want to be tagged or if I missed anyone.)

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