A Eight Month Update....

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To start it off you guys might want to find a comfy seat and some popcorn as we will be here a minute. I'm trying to keep it short but the only thing I keep short and simple is my height.

Okay so maybe it's been a while, a good while since I've last updated. The last real update with information was literally in November and I would say that it's due to a lack of material to write about however that's the opposite of the truth. There's been play days, horse shows, banquets, tack hauls, and more I've just not been updating.

So I guess in a way this will be a recap chapter and then I'll write another one of the most recent events and pictures. Though no one said this chapter would be in chronological order, as it's just going to be how things come into my scattered brain.

I'll start with saying that we had the CAHSA banquet in January and I was totally pumped leading up to it and was counting the days down until we it came. Now there are some things that are always good about the banquet, the food being one. But as I've put it before Spunky and I had won the Buckaroo High Point! (Technically Thor helped but let's face it a majority of those points were Spunky's) So when awards were called we first got our buckle for being top 5 in an event/s and then after it all, they did the high point stuff where I received the saddle. I was honestly so pumped, I had been counting down the days and all of it just until I got the saddle. We might never win another or we might win ten more but that one will always be special.

The buckle:

The saddle: (feat

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The saddle: (feat. 2017 CAHSA buckle)

Then between the last update and March, we went to two play days

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Then between the last update and March, we went to two play days. One in December and another in February. Nothing too special happened at either, both went well. I think we tried reining for the first time at the February one. I'll probably talk about these shows in a later chapter to save this one from being extremely long. Hopefully, it'll wrap somewhere around 1000 words.

Then after that, the next big deal would have been the CRCC Play Day banquet. We missed the last show as there was a tornado watch in effect and we decided we weren't showing in that even though the show wasn't canceled for those stated reasons.

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