First And Second Ride

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So last night I finally had my first ride on Thor. We had taken him to the arena we run play days at and surprisingly the main arena was open.
The ride started out slow, really slow, as this horse hasn't even been rode in a couple months and we had no knowledge on how he acts or even if I could control this horse. Good news is, I can.
Every stride is so different, him being bigger and much longer legged. I'm used to her shorter strides and just her strides in general. Definitely when running the patterns. I keep hitting the first barrel as I'm used to queing Spunky to turn and I will ask him to where she needs to and not where he needs to.
He's also a very push style horse, I mean he goes the speed you ask, you want to walk it? that's fine, you want to run it? That's fine. When we came to the gate I asked him to stop and he just did. I walked him down the alley and he had less alley way spunk than even Spunky. Though he's wanting to throw his head and such.
But oh my that horse has power and you can feel it even at the low gaits. We were trotting a round of barrels and he was leaning and pushing his weight. He turns really sharply, and after each turn he lunges forward so you better be ready for it or you might end up on the ground. I'm actually not overreacting there, he threw the previous girl onto a barrel.
I didn't really get pictures but I believe my mom did so I'll have to see, and if she did I'll post them soon.
Then our second ride was just around the pasture today, and we just trotted barrels and such. While we were doing so my brother was actually on Spunky.
We learned that Thor needs some different tack than Spunky as she rides without a tie down (I somehow don't have a working one, no idea why not) and he needs one. Also just different things and such.
All we got was one video, but I hope to get more next time we ride. The pictures below are probably pretty bad quality as they are screenshots only.

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So I thinking Thor's going to be a keeper

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So I thinking Thor's going to be a keeper.

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