I Just Realized How Long It's Been Since I've Updated + 6/16/18 Show

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So I guess I'll give a life update first and then an update over the show on the 16th, and where we're sitting in the rankings right now.
So they figured out the mass on my pelvis is a bone cyst, and by hearing how it's been progressing will need surgery. The surgery is scheduled for July 2nd, which is actually Monday, so that part really sucks due to not being able to ride afterwards for, as stated, six to eight weeks due to the location of incision. And this is just before I can light ride, which honestly is going to wreck my show season, as this was the year I was going to be able to run seven or eight events at state spreading through all four days, and almost ten events at show of champions, and now I won't be able to do either of those things with state being eight weeks after and Show Of Champions being ten weeks. If I'm up to it though I've tried to talk my parents into letting me maybe ride keyhole at state, and perhaps a pleasure event, but we will just have to see and it's something that will greatly depend on how everything goes.
Now onto the show that happened on the 16th. It wasn't super significant or anything, but a good thing is, I ended up with a good amount of points, definetely in my pleasure classes. It being father's day weekend meant a good amount of people were out of town, and I had better chances to place in certain classes.

Our places last Saturday were as following:
Youth Showmanship: 4th Place
Queens Class: 2nd Place
Buckaroo Western Pleasure: 1st Place
Buckaroo Horsemanship: 1st Place
Junior Flags: 5th Place
Buckaroo Barrels: 4th Place
(Anything not listed was something I either didn't place in or disqualified in)

Most of our pleasure classes went without a hitch, in Youth Showmanship our pattern went so badly that I believed we were disqualified, luckily the judge just dropped us to last, and that class being the smallest of the season meant we placed. In Queens Class the judge even stated that if I wouldn't have took up the wrong lead I would have won the class, but I was still happy with second.
In our speed classes, I mostly ran Spunky in everything except Poles, in which I ran a 49 in the actually class. Long story short, Thor is a pushy horse who tries to get away with things and normal this doesn't bother me as I can ride it out, or if I do fall, I fall, I mean we've all probably came off a horse a million times, whether that number is an exaggeration, you decide. But now with all of this and being told that I shouldn't even be on a horse right now from a doctor because that bone in my hip is weak, and the chances of fracturing it in a fall are heightened, has unnerved me. So I've been riding Spunky in most things. I mean she's not as fast but you could not ride her for six months and she'd still give you the same ride. She's consistent is what I'm saying, I mean we ran a 21 last Saturday with that being her tenth time in the arena for an event that day. So I'm honestly just really thankful for this horse being such a good girl, and I can express in words how greatful I am to have her.
Lastly the 15th was actually my birthday, so I ended up getting a new saddle pad, a horse movie, pole bending bases, and the poles which are yet to come in.

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