Show (6/17/17) + Other Rides

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So for like the last two weeks I really haven't been on Wattpad, which means that I also haven't updated in what seems like forever. To start this chapter off, I'm going to talk about the show I had on the 17th of this month. She was honestly very spunky and peppy, and was misbehaving so we DQ'ed both flags and keyhole. As she didn't want to work with me, and ewe were fighting. Then in Poles it was a really good night and I ran a slower time at a 29 because she was again misbehaving and I was really just going for clean. So as you guessed it, we didn't place. Next we tried something new, and it honestly wasn't the best day to try it but it was one of those now or never things. As it was the 6th show and if we want a chance of state we got to compete in at least 5 out of the 10 shows. Now this new event was Barrel pick-up, and I found a pretty crazy partner who a really good rider. The only downside to it though is that were the same size, so she has to grab onto my saddle which slows us down. This was also Spunky's first clean barrel pick-up run and we ran a 16. Sadly we didn't place as any other show this year that would have put us in the top 5 and most of the time in the top 3. Next our speed was kinda slow, as I was using someone elses bridle and their reins are much shorter than mine so it was odd, but we still ran a late 9. Lastly our barrels was actually pretty good for us as she had calmed down by then, and we placed 5th. So it was our worst show all season knocking us down in points and the placings. As of now our placings in each class overall from the first 6 shows are:

Flags: 8th (Which is actually really surprising as we've only placed once in this class this year)

Keyhole: 1st (That means I'm actually in the runnings for both state and show of champions, but I be dropping in the placings if I don't start placing again)

Poles: 5th (Again I'm in the running for state and show of champions if I can stay in that spot.)

Barrels: 6th (So in barrels I'm in the running for show of champions and for the lottery for state if I can keep this spot which by no means is a for sure thing but it's a chance, or if we could move up a place we'd have a for sure place)

Then I'm not in the placings for speed or barrel pick-up. We also dropped out of the top 5 in high point for my age group as I dropped to 6th. And honestly if you read my books last year, this is a long way from my one class that I made it to state in through the lottery. Now if anyone is confused on how the lottery works just ask! It's honestly not the best name for it as it doesn't work the way that name makes you think it would.

We were also supposed to have a show last weekend but the rain ruined that. Then we don't have one this weekend.
Then we were also supposed to have a show last weekend but the rain ruined that. Then no show or rain date was scheduled for this weekend because of the holiday.

Now I've also had like 4 rides in the last two weeks even though I wish I could of had more. But rain and family coming over has limited me.

So one of these rides I just rode around in a walk as Spunky was being really spunky, and we were just having a leisure ride. Now this week I rode 3 times. Once Monday, once Tuesday, and once today. (Yesterday I had to go shopping) All three of these rides were bareback.

On Monday I just rode around in a walk and slow trot just trying to work on my seat.

Then Tuesday because Izzy is hard to catch I was trying to herd her with my brother on the ground as I was on Spunky, and I was in a walk and an actually regular trot most of the time, plus she lifts her front hooves if I turn her sharp enough and I did then. So we had a slight rear but it was on command so I was ready. Sadly we never caught Izzy, as it was getting dark.

Then today I sat up barrels and I rode barrels bareback. I mostly trotted, but honestly if you can stand and stay on in Spunk's trot bareback you can with any of her gaits, as her trot is horrible compared to any of the other horses I've ever rode bareback. But I also got up into a lope it's just we mostly practice slowly, plus I was also in shorts and barefoot, so not my smartest choice I've ever made. But also not the stupidest one. So our form was nice it was just I was taking it slow.

Also right now, I'm kinda bored and am open to any questions you guys have for me, as long as it's not stalkerish (like what's your full name? or Where do you live?) So please ask away!!!

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