The Third, Fourth, and Fifth Day Of Christmas

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Okay so maybe I've been slacking.......
I had a horse show on Saturday, went to the movies and family came down afterwards, and family is still here so I'm hiding out in my room at the moment. This is going to be a long week.... Luckily at the moment all that is down is my niece, and most people won't be down until the 23rd, or 24th and then I'll be dying. Im not quite a people person. I got a feeling I'll be in the kitchen a lot and I'll probably try to sneak out to the barn a lot this weekend as oh my. Now onto the days of Christmas things.

Day 3: Ah a horse related Christmas story, the one I'm probably going to go with is the story of when I got Capri. So it was many years ago, I say many because I don't feel like counting. I had asked my mom for a white pony, I had sat on Santa's lap and asked for a pony. The literal only thing I had asked for was a pony. Christmas came around and I had got my "white" pony, well we'd learn she wasn't white in the summer (this was our first horse, I was a little kid, and we just didn't know that white horses weren't that common.) My mom had bought some carrots and apples, and treats where us kids could feed my new pony and we wereall excited, and then we learned she didn't eat treats.... We had got a pony from a breeder, that had I don't know how many head and she wasn't really a pet then.

Day 4: My equine related wish list is both realistic, and non realistic.
I'm going to start with the non realistic:
• A unicorn, or a nice finished young step-up barrel horse with little to no faults at a reasonable price (I mean they are both about as hard as the other to find.)(I can wish right? 😂)
My realistic is now to come:
• I'm currently actually looking for a step-up horse at the moment with my realistic price range, so I guess a step-up horse is definitely on my wish list. Though realistically I'll have to drop one of the things I said above. I'm actually looking at a gray gelding now, who's supposedly fits some of those but I've yet to actually check him out and ride him so who knows yet. That's something that will likely happen in the next year as Spunky isn't holding her own in the crowd as I start to get more competitive.
• One of the wither straps from magics custom tack, she's the one who has all of those really jeweled quote wither straps, as they are awesome along with the fact that she makes great customs. Also just other tack from there, but their prices are quite high compared to most tack, definitely if you buy custom.
• Assorted tack, there are some things I'll always need. New halters, reins, and just tack in general. As I only have one full tack set up, and hopefully by the summer will be hauling two horses, hopefully.

Day 5: The best horse related Christmas present I've ever received is probably Capri as stated early, along with my first saddle.

I guess that's it for the chapter, I'll find another time to get away from family to update about the play day I went to Saturday.

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