Somewhat horse, somewhat life

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Well guys I'm going crazy due to horse deprivation, Monday will make six weeks post-op, tomorrow will make four weeks since my last ride though. I guess I'm lucky though that even if I can't ride a horse I still get to be around them and handle them due to having the at my house. So I'm not completely horse deprived, just deprived of time out of the saddle. I have an appointment on the 29th of August that if everything goes well I'll be able to return to the saddle again, starting slow at first but slowly getting longer and harder when it comes to the ride. I know for sure that the first horse I'll be getting on will be Spunky, mostly because of the fact that she is so much calmer than Thor, but also because that mare definitely holds a special place in my heart.
I also got some news recently and that is that I will be the one getting the trophy saddle for high point Buckaroo in January at the banquet, along with a buckle for placing in an event for state, even though I won't be able to go. I mean normally our rules include that you must run state for central to be high point but because my absence will be for medical reasons, I'm not going to be penalized for it. I will hopefully be running at Show of Champions, but I'm not sure about what all I will be doing yet until we get to sign ups which will be an evening of next week, and then Show of Champions will be in mid-September. I'm not sure if my parents will let me do my normal class list or if I'll be limited to a single day or an event or two. I'm hoping that they'll let me do my normal class list spanning the two days of actual show. I'm also currently trying to talk them into letting me ride in the local fairs horse show the weekend before where I can get into the arena and back into running a horse and into being judged  in pleasure classes, though that's another one that might end interestingly, and all depends on their opinion.
I don't have too much more to inform you guys about as my life has been pretty boring recently, though I start school Monday so there's always that. Oh and school reminds me, I was actually given a place in my school's horse judging team, the fall will be pretty uneventful when it comes to judging, but come first semester and they're going to a meet at least every other week, come Monday I'll get more information and here will probably be the first place I share some of it. So if anyone is wondering what all the judging team does, that do tack and breed identification, halter judging with oral reasons, and then later on in the season they also do performance class judging with oral reasons and I think the events were Horsemanship, Reining, Hunter Under Saddle, and Western Pleasure, as one of my close friends are part of the five person team and I remember them having to study on it last year, but I don't quite know the details.
I guess that's it for now and I hope to have another update soon, maybe I'll share some of my more recent pictures shortly, or maybe my mother will actually let me have access to the pictures she hasn't done anything with since January so I mean I have no pictures of Thor running a pattern, like at all. That and his old owners still haven't gave us his papers after they moved and had them packed up, not that I'm freaked out about not having his papers I'm just curious on his bloodlines and such, I mean he's a dead end to papers anyways being a gelding.

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