Tack Haul + I Did All The Stupid Math + Banquet

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I've been off Wattpad for two weeks and it feels like everything and nothing has happened all at the same time.
I did get a small tack haul back at beginning of the month, that is pictured above. For those of you who can't see the picture I got a pair of new western boots that will be my boot I show in and such, along with a sunset colored leather tie-down strap, that Thor definitely needed.
Onto the next thing, I think you guys deserve an explanation about the chapter title and it's going to be explained in probably long unnecessary paragraph, as not long from now I'm going to continue and try and talk my parents into something using that math.
The story begins at my goals for next year. As many of you know, next year will be my last year in the Buckaroo age group before I'm forced to move up to Juniors which is the most competitive group they have. It being my last year in Buckaroo I want to do something that will make me go out with a bang, and also do something that won't happen when I'm in Junior. Well in my current situation it isn't that reachable even in Buckaroo but that wouldn't be too hard to change. The thing is win the Buckaroo Association High Point at the end of the year banquet next year/the end of this year's show season, which means winning a high point saddle, that by the way are really nice. This year I placed in top 5 (5th) for high point Buckaroo, and was within 20 points of everyone (I mean that would take 4 first places or so in any event) except for first place who was 95 points ahead of me (that's kinda 19 first places or so, which would take some work...)
The reason she was so ahead of me is that she does both speed and judged events. (Well that and her family buys REALLY expensive horses, but that's beside the point). I did the math using this years points that both she and I earned, and if I just entered a couple pleasure/judged events and came dead last at each show I could beat her by 30 to 40 points, because no one does them. I mean there are some classes she's in that no one at all goes up against her. So if she wins every show in a event that's +50 points on me, but if I come second (She's on a trained state placing pleasure horse, while I'd be on Spunky who is a speed horse so....) she'd only have +10 points on me, which I could probably make up for in speed events (I had over 20 more speed points than her this year)
This year she had 148 points while I had 53, 109 of her points where from judged events, 70 of those were pretty much given to her.
It was then I decided to do the math on how many points I could have from coming dead last in 4 judged events (Showmanship, Queens, Western Pleasure, and Horsemanship). I came up with two different answers as once I didn't rank dead last I ranked realistically and the other I ranked dead last. I say realistically as there were some young kids on a gaited horse whoses tack didn't fit right and a sunburned paint horse who really needed a tie down, both horses looked like they were straight out of the pasture definitely the paint, in WP. Those four classes would have gave me 128-137 points into this year's, which would take my total for this year using this year's points up to 181-190. That would actually put me 33-42 points above her.
So I'm absolutely thinking about competing in them in the 2018 season, as they would give me a chance to ride for the saddle, plus it could give Spunky something to do once another horse starts to take over as my main horse.
Also the CASHA (Central) Banquet is this weekend, and I am so ready! There will more than likely be an update on that! I'll be receiving a buckle this year, because of being top five in poles and keyhole, and I can't wait! I'm also ready for the food! 😂 The catering is absolutely amazing.

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