Show Of Champions (Day #1)

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So this morning at like 7 we left the house (so not that early). Took Spunky to a friend's house, to trailerpool (kinda like carpooling). Drove up to Melbourne, and unloaded. After we unloaded horses, set up the camper trailer, and ate lunch. We did ride today, and the dirt was DEEP, I'm hoping it's better by tomorrow. Spunky was also acting really ancey today, and I'm not really sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. The only event that has happened yet is Jackpot Barrels, so nothing much has happened. Other than some people are going to leave here with a little more money than they left with.
Tomorrow I have Poles and Flags so maybe something with go my way!Also if this chapter sounds weird or doesn't floe I'm as tired as who knows what. I'm probably going to drop out in a couple seconds, as it's 11:45 right now, but I felt like I needed to update.

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