Doctor Snap

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Parker held my hand as we followed the man in to the basement. I wasn't comfortable with this at all, but I needed help. I took off my winter jacket and layed it up on the table that he lead us over to.

"Alright, put your hand up here boy."

I did what he said, but hesitated. He rolls out a case of knives and scissors and startes sharpening one of them.

"Whoah, wait, what are- W-what are yo-!"

I stuttered in fear and shock.

"Wait, what are you gonna do to him?!"

Parker jumped in front of me not letting the man near me.

"Dude, we don't even know your name!"

"Haha, they call me Doctor Snap! Now, I need to perform surgery on your buddy if you want him healed."

"I-I-I don't think it needs surgery dude! Pl-please, stop!"

I yelled.

"Alright, alright calm down boys."

"Calm down? How can I calm down? I'm in a basement and you're coming at me with knives and shit about to cut my fucking fingers off!"

I yelled again.
The dude told Jesse to not snap anymore... We came all the way here just for him to be told not to snap anymore?! Hell, I could've told him that. The man had me and Jesse stay over last night because it was too late to be driving home and Jesse needed to rest since he had been switching in and out of characters all day. We headed out, but before we got to the car, Doctor Snap called me back in to talk to me.


"Look, I can tell that you care deeply about Jesse. And I feel like that everything I just said to him is gonna go over his head. Please, keep a close eye on him. If he snaps again, it could result in him being in danger."

I didn't want Jesse in danger, he's my best friend. He's everything to me.

"I won't let him out of my sight."
We finally got back to his house hours later and we were both tired. I didn't feel like driving home either.

"Hey, Jess, you okay if I stay the night here? I'm too tired to drive home."

"Yeah, go ahead."


We walked in the kitchen door and Jesse's dad was standing in the dining room.

"You get your snapper fixed?"

His dad asked him as we walked by.


Jesse replied snapping his fingers at him.

"Dude what the fuck?!"

I yelled at him, he wasn't supposed to be snapping at all.

"What, I did it at him-"

"You should've shot me in the fUCKING HEAD WHEN YOU HAD THE CHANCE!!"

What the hell?! His dad just resorted back to... Psycho Dad... Jesse backed away from his dad and fell back as he snapped his fingers at him again. Psycho Dad was gone and now he was... Uhh... Personal Trainer? I guess? He had on a crazy outfit and an afro.

"Come on boys! Time to get in shape!"

He said to us in a high voice. We walked back to Jesse's room and once again, Jesse snapped his fingers at his dad again. I swear, I'm gonna break them off if he snaps again. I shut his door and begin lecturing him.

"Are you for fucking real?!"


"You know 'what'! You aren't supposed to be snapping Jesse! You heard what that dude said!"

"I snapped at my dad, not me."

"Doesn't matter! You aren't supposed to snap at all! You do it again, I'm breaking your fingers my fucking self!"

I yelled at him. I was just worried about him and I didn't want something bad to happen to him.

"You know, last I checked it wasn't in your job description to lecture and worry about me."

He points out. He is such an idiot sometimes.

"I'm your friend first and foremost though Jesse! I care about you, okay? You... You mean a lot to me and I don't want to lose you."

I confessed. He sighed.

"Parker, I'm fine. I won't snap anymore, okay? You mean a lot to me too Park. More than you'll ever know."
Parker was asleep, but I couldn't sleep. I got up and decided to go in the basement to look at something. I walked around quietly so I wouldn't wake anyone up. I went down and went in to the room where we filmed our few last episodes of the Psycho Series. The walls still had "I'm a psychopath" still written all over it. There was a mirror hanging in the room, I walked in front of it and I snapped my fingers... Again.

One of my old characters showed up in the mirror, Tony Trevorely. (idk if thats how you spell it.)

If I got the name wrong, someone please tell me. Idk if he says Donny or Tony in the "Snap out of it" vid at the end.

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