Fights and Disorders

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I waited for Jess to wake up, but he was worn out. I was getting really bad hunger pains and decided that I should just try to eat something. Jesse did say it helped him a bit after he ate some. I got out of the bed quietly and made my way to the kitchen to find something that I could tolerate. I figured that toast would do just fine. I saw Jesse come out of his room and head to the bathroom.

'Man, I hope he isn't getting sick.'

I thought to myself. But gladly he was back out in like, two minutes. I sat at the counter trying to eat my toast. I felt Jesse wrap his arms around my waist and kiss me on the neck.

"Morning dork."

He greeted me.

"Hey dork."

"What made you wanna eat?"

"Hunger pains."

I told him.

"Aww, poor babe. What do you wanna do after you eat?"

Jess asked. I honestly just wanted to lay down in bed with him and do nothing. My energy was really low today.

"Stay in bed with you and do nothing."

"Sounds good to me."

I looked outside the kitchen door and I see someone familiar. I knew if Jesse knew who it was, he'd flip shit.

"Hey babe, I gotta run out to my car real quick, I'll be right back."


I went outside and the dude had his camera and was recording.

"Swift, why the fuck are you here dude?"

"Where's Jesse?"

He asked in a stern tone. I could tell he was mad at Jesse for something.

"He's not feeling well, and neither am I so tell me what you want so I can go and take care of him."

"Haha, what are you, his nurse?"

"I'm his fucking boyfriend and I'm trying to help him as he has been for me! Now, what the fuck do you want man?!"

Swift tried to get through me to get inside, but I wasn't letting him bother Jesse. This fuck ass wanted to fight Jess and that wasn't about to fucking happen. I pushed him out of view of the kitchen door so Jesse couldn't see him, but unfortunately...

"What the fuck is going on? Swift, why the hell are you at my house, and how did you get through the gate?"

Jesse walked out and seen him.

"What the hell are you doing attacking my friends?!"

Swift asked as he ran at Jesse and pulled him to the ground punching him in the chest and in his face.

"Get the fuck off of him!!"

I yelled at Swift as I shoved him off of Jesse. I knew what Jesse was referring to, but that was Isaac and Jesse and me were in no condition to fight. But, if I have to keep Jesse from getting hurt, I'll fuck this bastard over.


Jesse yelled from the sidelines. Swift managed to pin me down and I was way too weak to push him off. He was  ripping out my tube thing and he didn't even know. I'll let him fucking feel bad when I die cause of him!

"Don't interfere Jess! You're in no condition to fight!"

"Neither are you!! Swift get the hell away from him!!"

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