Surgery Day(s)

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I had to get up at 5:30am to go to the hospital for surgery, and Jesse was my ride to and from the hospital.

I wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything except water until after the surgery. Jesse and I got ready to go and it was still dark out. Jesse groaned as he walked over to me and dropped his head into my chest.

"What's the matter you big baby?"

"It's too early babe..."

Jesse complained.

"Well fuck, sorry it's too early to save my life."

I said jokingly.

"What, no! That's not what I-"

"Haha, chill out baby. I'm just fucking with you."

I said as I kissed his cheek and started getting my shoes on.

"If only you really were..."

I heard Jess mumble. What a cute dork. He makes me so happy.

"Pfft, don't act like I can't hear you over there Ridgway."

"Bitch, you ready yet?"

"Yep. Let's go."
I was in the hospital gown and waiting on the surgeons to take me back. Jesse and I were both nervous. Jesse was gonna have to face this same thing in just two days.

"Oh, shit. Forgot I can't wear my hate back there."

"I'll keep it babe."

Jesse insisted. I tossed him my hat and he immediately put it on himself. He didn't look half bad in if, honestly. He came over to me and started kissing my face repeatedly.

"Jesse... Are you trying to give me a boner before surgery? Haha!"

I joked with him.

"Maybe. That way the doctors will know your boyfriend is a great one."

He smirked.

"God, I love you so much."

"Haha, I love you too Park."

The doctors finally came in to take me. I grabbed Jesse's hand one last time and kissed him on the lips.
I was nervous for my boy. I didn't think anything was gonna go wrong, but it's surgery. We didn't know how he was gonna react to the anesthesia either. Luckily, I've already been on that before. Not gonna lie, gives you that good high feeling.

I've heard about people having bad reactions to the Anesthesia though, and I just hope Parker's body wasn't gonna react badly to it.
I looked up at the screen that tells you who's done and starting surgery, and it said that Parker was done. I was so ready to go see him and possibly film him acting loopy.

The surgeon called me back to see him. When I got back there, he was trying to wake up. I walked over to him and ran my fingers through his brown hair as I saw his eyes open.

"Hey baby. You're out of surgery."

"Am I still cut open??"

He said slurring his words.

"No babe, you're stitched up, haha."

Poor guy was higher than a kite.

"Is... Is it snowing..?"

I had to get out my phone to record him a bit. I left my camera at home because people look at you weird when you have a big camera in a hospital.

"Haha, no, we're inside. Plus, it's still Summer babe. Are you cold?"

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