My Name is...

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"Alright Ridgway, I need answers, now. Show your ugly face!"

"You do realize that we have the same face, right?"

He said as he appeared in the mirror. I rolled my eyes.

"Tell me why I keep switching moods and why I keep getting upset without even knowing why!"

"How about you tell me why you're treating Parker like shit."

"How did you-"

"I found out I can see and hear through other mirrors."

He said cutting me off. Great, now I'm probably gonna have to see Ridgway if I look in any mirror.

"Look, I did you a favor by getting with Parker for you. Now I'm regretting it. He's a pest."

"I never asked you to do that. If anything, I want you away from him! What else have you fucked with in my life!? I see you fucked with my hair, pierced my ears."

"Haha, I got a tattoo as well."

"You what?!"

I loved fucking with Ridgway. It was so fun to toy with him.

"You need to tell Parker and everyone else that you're not me! Tell them who you really are!"

Lucky for him I was already planning to do that today. I knocked the mirror off the wall without saying anything else to Ridgway as I went back upstairs. I texted Parker to come over. I planned to have Ridgway's family and buddy sit in the living room while I explained everything. I was going to tell them my name, where I'm from, why I'm here and everything. I headed out in the living room to make sure the parents were already in there. I saw they were so I let them be for now. I then went to find Ridgway's brother, Jeffery or JT. I went in his "office" or whatever he considers it, and knocked on the door.


I poked my head in.

"Yo, I need you to come in the living room. When Parker and Larry get here, I've gotta tell you all something."

"Uhhmmm... Okay? I'll be there."

I gave a simple nod and closed the door behind me. I saw Zippy boy come in the kitchen door. He looked at me with a stern look and stopped right outside my room.

"We need to talk man."

"That's literally why I told you to come over. Go in the living room."

He gave me a confused look but did as told. I went back to get Jeffery.

"Dude, Park's here. Come on."

He followed me into the living room. I grabbed the remote and turned off the tv that the parents were watching.

"What're you doing Jess?"

I stood in front of the tv while the Ridgway family and Jesse's lover sat on the couch in front of me.

"We need to talk. I know you've all noticed that recently I haven't been who I say I am."

Parker nodded his head in agreement as he rolled his eyes. He sank into the couch with his arms folded while giving me such a stern look.

"Yeah, we have noticed. We're worried about you Jesse. You've gone back to drinking after 3 years, you've dyed your hair and let it get long again, pierced your ears, tattoo..."

Mrs. Ridgway said.

"Well, I know I've also been a pest. I'm going to be honest too... I have attempted... Suicide..."

The parents eyes widened, even Parker's did. Jeffery shook his head disappointedly as he face-palmed. I saw Parker get up and walk over to me.

"Yeah, wanna know what else he did?!"

He asked rhetorically. He rolled my hoodie sleeves up and showed them my cuts. I rolled my eyes and just let him expose them. The parents gasped at all the scars.

"Oh, wait there's more!"

Parker said. He yanked the bottom of my shirt up and exposed the scars I put on my stomach too. It was still pretty red since the air didnt really get to those cuts.


The mom yelled at me. Parker pulled my shirt back down as I gave him a shove to go sit his ass back down. He did so.

"Jess, this is not you! You're not the Jesse I know or love! I don't know what has happened to you, but until you start being the Jesse I love again, we need to break up..."

Parker explained. He seemed upset a bit, but what I was about to tell him was probably gonna fix that.

"Good, because I'm not even Jesse."

They all looked at me like I was stupid.

"Jess, what are yo-"

"What did I just say? I am not Jesse. I'm not your son, I'm not your brother, and I'm not your beloved Ridgway."

I pointed at whoever I was talking to ask I told them what I wasn't. They still looked at me like I was stupid.

"My name is Isaac."
I started to remember back to a few months ago when Jesse was having problems with his characters and snapping in and out of them.

"Wait... After we got home from the wizard's that night, did you snap after I left?"

I asked him.

"I was able to take over Ridgway's mind enough to get him to snap a final time to get me out of his mind, yes."

"So, where is Jesse then?! I want my best friend back!"

I yelled at Isaac.

"Hate to hear it."

He shrugged.

"He's trapped in a mirror and I refuse to go back to my world. This world isn't much better, but it'll do for now."

I frowned at Isaac.

"Also, so that I will be certain to get my way..."

He pulled a gun out of his back pocket and pointed it at... Me???

"...I'm taking what he loves the most. Let's go, Zippy boy."

Isaac came closer and yanked me off the couch by my wrist. Jesse's parents and brother tried to get him away from me, but Isaac had a gun and would shoot anyone who tried to interfere, and me if I tried anything. Isaac sure did seem physically stronger than Jesse. Don't tell him I said that.

He held the gun right at my head. I winced in fear, but I also didn't know if he would actually pull the trigger or not.

"Jesse, stop! He's your best friend!"

Mrs. Ridgway yelled. Isaac had my hands held behind my back and had me about to fall back as he he tried getting me down to his height.

"Back off! And again, I'm Isaac!"

He pointed the gun at the family again. He opened the front door and shoved me out the door and I tripped and fell on the porch.

"Dude! You need to fucking chill!"

"You, shut the fuck up."

"Get the fucking gun out of my face man!"

"Why, want a bullet in your face instead?"

I squinted at him as he pulled out a roll of duck tape and started taping my hands behind my back.

Bink! Parker gets kidnapped instead of Terry! rip Parker.

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