Jesse's Return?

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Isaac and I got in "his" car and drove us back to the Ridgway house. When Isaac parked the car I immediately ran in the house and straight to Jesse's bedroom. I lied down on his bed and started crying while hugging one of his pillows.


Isaac came in.

"Dude, unless you're gonna bring my boy back, leave me alone!"

"But, this is my room."

"No, it's Jesse's room! Not yours!"

I couldn't stop shaking with rage. I clinched my fists and I couldn't hold back anymore. I punched Isaac in the chest.


He started coughing and was having trouble breathing. 'I just want him back...' I thought to myself.

"Dude! Why the fuck-"


"OKAY OKAY!... You win..."

I looked at him sternly and followed him to the basement. I still didn't trust him one bit. When we got in to the Psychopath room, he crossed his arms and put his fingers in snapping position.

"Ridgway, I'm sorry man... I'm sorry I took you from your world for my selfish needs. I've been feeling guilty about it since last night and I'm sorry. Seeing how much Parker cares for you just makes me feel even more guilty. I tried killing myself in your body... I almost killed you... I've cut up your body, pierced, dyed and tattooed your body, so prepare to have permanent things on yourself."

Tears came to my eyes when he mentioned that he almost killed Jesse. I almost lost my favorite person because of Isaac...

"Thank you Isaac."

Jesse appeared in the mirror.

"You know what to do man."

Jess told Isaac.

*Snap sound*

Isaac double snapped! When he did, there was a weird purple portal around him, then it spread to all throughout the basement, knocking me out.

When I woke up, I saw what still looked like Isaac laying in the floor. He was wearing the same clothes Jesse was wearing the night he snapped into Isaac. Black "Keep it Fridgid" hoodie and black sweat pants.

"Jesse? Is that you?"

I tried to shake him awake. He gasped for air and sat up a bit.

"Yeah, it's me... That felt weird dude."

He still looked like Isaac, but he did say that the changes he made to Jesse's body would stay.


I tackled him.


"I'm so happy to see you!!! I missed you so fucking much!!"

"Awww, I missed you too, you big fucking baby."

I laid on top of him as tears ran down my face. I was so happy to see him. I nuzzled my face into his chest and kissed him repeatedly.

We got up and went into his room upstairs. He was shocked at how his room was redone.

"Well... I like where everything is placed, but not all the black."

And then he saw... The bean bag chair.

"Oh my God! Is that mine! Awesome!!"

He yelled excitedly as he jumped on it. He was so cute and filled with energy.

"Aw man, this is so awesome!"

I walked over to him and plopped down next to him in the chair.

"Look at your new tv."

I pointed up to him.

"Oh cool!!! Wanna watch tv and cuddle?!"

"Been waiting for you to ask, haha."
I was so happy to be home, and happy to be with Parker. I missed him so fucking much. We got in my bed and started watching some tv, and it had a nice ass picture! I really felt weird since I've been back though.

"Fuck, why does my stomach feel so gross?"

"Because Isaac basically turned you into an alcoholic. Oh, and he was taking some pills he'd found too."

I put my hand over my stomach and laid on my bed in pain. Well, not pain but my stomach just felt disgusting. Parker looked at me with worry in his eyes and laid next to me. He put his head on my chest and his hand on mine that was laying on my stomach.

"Poor sick Ridgway."

He said smiling. I kissed him on the head and took his hat off to mess with him.

"Hey! You know better than to touch my hat!"

He said as he laughed along. He knew I was playing. I put his hat on myself and ran out of the room for him to chase me.


I stopped in my tracks when I saw the kitchen. I hadn't seen it earlier since we came through my brother's room when Park and I came up earlier.

"Oh yeah, your house got redone."

"House? So the living room too?"

"Yeah, check out the doors."

The doors were now sliding doors and we had new furniture and carpeting! It was so nice!

"Wow! Where's the family at?"

I asked my boyfriend.

"Work I'd hope. Let's go back to your room, you kinda look pale babe."

I low key felt like shit, but I didn't want Parker to worry. I knew it was because Isaac ruined my body inside and out. My stomach was grumbling and my head felt like shit. I walked back into the room and laid down on the bed with Parker.

"What else did Isaac do to me, I feel horrible."

"Maybe you need to just relax babe. You've been through a lot. Including a mirror."

I know Park was trying to be funny, but I just couldn't be in a good mood right now. Only thing I was in the mood for was laying here and cuddling my partner while watching tv. He stared at me with even more worry in his eyes. He put his hand on my stomach again.

"Is there any kind of medicine you can take? Maybe you need to eat, I can hear that you're hungry."

"That's not hunger my friend. This is why I stopped drinking years ago. Along with my head injury and spleen issue."
Poor Jesse... Isaac has fucked with his body and now my boyfriend isn't feeling well.

There we go, longer one.

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