Who is in Control?

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Okay, time to have a talk with Isaac. Park was still asleep, so I took advantage of this moment to go in the basement and have a little chat with my devilish alter. I walked out my door and saw all three of the dogs laying in the hall.

"Hello Boobs, Poop John, and Tuna."

I whispered at them and continued walking. Mom and dad were at work and Jeffrey was probably with some friends. I was surprised the mirror was still down here in the Psychopath Room and not broken. I hung it up on the wall and stared at myself.

"Isaac, show yourself, you ass."

He showed up and was leaned against a wall with his arms folded and ankles crossed, like he was expecting me.

"What's up Ridgway?"

He smirked.

"You know exactly what's up. I want you to leave Parker and me alone. What's this about you're "always watching" bullshit?"

"Well, that'd ruin the surprise, wouldn't it? I guess I scared your boy pretty good last night, huh? Ahaha."

I could feel my face warming up from anger as I gritted my teeth. I was so close to breaking the fucking mirror, but I have no idea what would happen with Isaac.

"He was in tears and couldn't even speak! I thought he was gonna have to go to the emergency room!"

"Surprised you didn't end up in there cause of all your literal belly aching."

I rolled my eyes and clinched my jaw and fists. I noticed his eyes starting to glow red while he smirked again.

"I'm your host Isaac, you do as I say. I am the one in control!"

"Are you? Because you suck at it. Face it, I'm much stronger than you, which is why you can't control me very well."

"I'll work on it."

"HAHAHA! Yeah! Good luck buddy!"

I was so tempted to snap my fingers to try and get rid of him, but I didn't know what that would actually do. I paced around the room and breathed heavily to try and calm down before I punched the mirror or snapped.

"Aww, someone getting angry? Gonna go all Psycho Kid on me?"

That fucker... I felt my stomach getting hot and boil with anger.

"You just leave my boyfriend alone! I don't care if you take me over, but not around him! Not if you're gonna be horrible to him."

"Yeah, yeah, we done here?"

"Say it!"

I demanded.

"Alright, you big baby. I'll only take over when needed. Better?"

"Good. Stick to that too."

Isaac left and I put the mirror back down the way it was when I came in. I headed back upstairs to see my boyfriend and cuddle him. I walked back in my room and saw Parker was still asleep. He looked so cute sleeping. I walked over and laid back on the bed quietly and started playing with his brown hair and lightly stroking his face.

"Hey baby."

I whispered to him when I saw his eyes opening. He smiled as he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him and kissed me repeatedly.

"You okay Park?"

"Mhm. Just tired."

I knew he was from that panic attack last night.

"Aww. Maybe eating something will wake you up."


I sat up and grabbed Park's hand to pull him up. He put on a clean shirt and we went into the kitchen to look for food. I ended up just eating a banana and Parker found himself some pop tarts. He grabbed two packs of them and sat down next to me as he opened them.

"Aren't there two in each pack?"

I asked him.


"You're actually gonna be able to eat all four pop tarts?"

I teased him.

"I'm fucking hungry, haha."

"Yeah, I can see that babe."
Yeah, I probably should've listened to Jesse and only stuck with two pop tarts. I laid on the bed and shut my eyes while Jesse was in the bathroom. I felt Jes throw himself on the damn bed and scared the hell out of me when the matteress moved.

"Oh god, Jes! Fucking scared me man."

I told him as he laughed. I laid my arm across my eyes, hoping Jesse wouldn't notice that I was feeling kinda shitty. I felt him staring at me though.

"I knew four pop tarts would be too much for you Park. Bet you wish you had listened to me now, huh?"

Jes said jokingly.

"Ugh, leave me alone, asshole."

I jokingly said back. We knew when were just joking around with each other.

"You should've listeeeeenned!"

He sang as he shook me. I put my hand over my mouth like I was about to puke so he'd stop.

"Shit, okay I'm done babe. Please don't throw up."

I moved my hand and smirked at him.

"Haha, I'm not. Just did that to get you to stop shaking me. Too full for that."

"You ass. Fine, I'll stop teasing you. Big baby."

"Shut the fuck up and kiss me."

I demanded Jesse. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him towards me and locked lips with him. I ran my fingers through his hair as we kissed.

"I'm still not used to your short hair babe."

"I'm thinking about growing it back out."

We spoke in between kisses.

"To how long?"

"Probably where it was when we did the Construction Series."

"Hehe, good. I'll have something to hang on to then."

I smirked at him. I reached under his shirt and caressed his stomach up and down as we kept making out and Jesse let a moan slip through his lips.


"Haha, glad you're enjoying this babe."

I told him. He nodded his head yes as he climbed on top of me and took his shirt off. I was enjoying this make out session so much that I ended up digging my nails into Jesse's back and drug them down real hard.

"Ah! Fuck, Park."

"I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to scratch you like that."

He smiled at me and came back for more kissing. I guess he was fine with the scratching. We started making that make noise that usually sounds gross, but not when we do it hehe.
"Best. Make out session. Ever."

I said as Jes and I laid there tired and out of breath.

"Dude, let me see how bad your back is."

I told him. He sat on the edge of the bed with his back facing me. It looked like I scratched pretty hard.

"Shit, I'm sorry baby... Does it hurt?"

"I'm not sorry at all. Just told me that you were really enjoying it haha. And no, it doesn't hurt."

I was relieved that it didn't hurt him. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. He laid his head on my stomach and he was relaxed.

"You just gonna fall asleep there?"

I asked him jokingly.

"Mhm. Your breathing is relaxing."

"Hehe, I love you Jes."

"I love you too Park."

Listen to that song, I love it. This got kinkier than it was supposed to.

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