Secrets and Change

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I got home and went straight to my room to get ready for bed so I could go back to Jesse's tomorrow... I guess.
I woke up at 4am to a fucked up dream. I was sweating and my anxiety level went up, so I decided to text Jesse even though I was pretty sure he was asleep already.

It was pitch black, just a pitch black void.


Nothing but an echo. I looked behind me one last time to make sure I wasn't missing something. I heard a voice coming from in front of me.

"What's up, Parker?"

I turned around to see Jesse.


"Hey babe."


Another Jesse appeared next to him when he snapped his fingers, but this one's arms were covered in fresh cuts. My eyes widened in fear as I ran over to him.


He demanded at me. I stopped in my tracks.


"My name is not Jesse!"

He said. I looked over at the first Jesse and he stared at the cut up Jesse. Tears began to fall from my eyes as I saw how sad the first Jesse looked.

"You are Jesse. You're Jesse Ridgway!"

I yelled at the second one.

"You don't know who the fuck I am, kid!"

I looked over at the other Jess again, but this time he was in a mirror.

"Wha- Jesse?! What the fuck is going on?!"

I tried to run to him, but I wasn't getting any closer and he wasn't getting any further. All I could see was black and flashing blood right in my face.

~End of dream~

I didn't understand what the dream was supposed to mean, but I felt like it was a sign for me. I have to figure out what though.

I arrived at Jesse's house and I saw him waiting outside. Was he waiting on me? He doesn't usually wait up for me. I got out of my car and he begins walking over to me with his head down. When we reached each other he hugged me without saying a word. I hugged him back and hugged tightly as I kissed his neck.

"I'm sorry Park. You're right, I should've just talked to you or anyone instead of doing what I did."

"That's so good to hear Jess!"

I said to him, kissing him on the lips.

"Oh, I did do something last night though..."

He tells me.

"Oh God, what now?"

He pulled his blonde hair away from his ears to show me what he did.

"You got your ears pierced?"

"Yeah, I pierced them myself."

"What?! Babe, you know how unsafe that is?"

This dumbass...

"Oh, relax! I made sure the needle was clean first."

"I can't leave you alone for five minutes."

I shook my head at him. They did look good, admittedly, but he shouldn't have done it himself.

"You're such a baby. Come on, fun tiiiiimes!"

He sings in a high pitched voice as he holds out his fist to me. I gave him a fist bump, then kissed his lips again.

"I think I need something to go with these black earrings though. Like... Like... Jet black hair!"

My eyes widened.

"What? You wouldn't dye your hair black babe, I don't see it."

"You wanna bet? We can go to a salon right now!"

What is wrong with him? He's so much more cockier than usual, and he's never mentioned dying his hair before.

"What do I get if you pussy out, like I know you will."

"No, when I win, you have to be my slave bitch."

"I mean, kinda thought I already was when we got together, haha!"

I joked with him.

"Fine, then when I win you have to have a drinking night with me!"

"Alright, now if I win, you aren't allowed to drink any kind of alcohol for 4 days straight."

I was hoping to get him to stay sober for awhile, but I know it won't stick. He stayed silent for a moment as he stared at the ground. He looked back up at me.


He said to me as he reached his hand out to shake mine to seal the deal. I took it and pulled him closer to kiss him on the lips.

"Ech, you need to shave that fucking beard too."

"I'll let them shave it at the salon, let's get going."

He said pulling his lanyard that held his keys out of his pocket. I followed him out to his car and hopped in the passenger seat as he started his car up.

"You know you're gonna bitch out man."

I assured him.

"You keep telling yourself that Park. Just keep lying to yourself."
We got to the salon after ten minutes or so, it wasn't far at all. We walked in and I was waiting for him to turn around and walk back out. Was he really gonna do this? We walked up to the desk and Jesse signed in as he explained to the desk guy what he wanted.

After Jesse picked the shade of black and everything, the stylist wrapped the black cloak around Jess. I watched her mix the dye.

"Last chance man. She's about to start painting your hair."

I told him.

"Make me purrty!"

He said as he relaxed in the chair and looked in the mirror.

"Okay, here we go."

The stylist said to him. I sat in the stylist chair next to Jesse and watched as the stylist lady applied the dye in my boyfriend's hair. I started to notice that Jesse was kinda looking in the mirror evily. He looked pissed?


No answer. What the hell?


He jumped a bit as I said his name again. He looked around, then at me with his crystal blue eyes.

"Babe, are you okay? You wer-"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just zoned out for a sec."

He said cutting me off.
After about an hour and a half, my boyfriend's hair was completely black and his beard was gone, which I was glad about the beard. I had lost our bet.

"Haha, better mark your calender babe! Tomorrow night, its you, me, and a shit ton of alcohol."

He whispered the last part. We got back in the car and headed home, or his house rather. I couldn't stop thinking about the way he was looking at himself in the mirror at the salon. What is he hiding??

I wanted to watch more of the episodes to the series before I continued even though I'm way behind. But omg have yall been watching?!?!? SHIT MAN!!!! :D

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