Los Angeles

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Dark had arrived at his hotel that he'd be staying in for a few days, but he didn't bother to unpack, he found it easier to just live out of his duffle bag. After he had looked around the room, he headed to a store to get a few items.

Dark came back 45 minutes later. As he walked in the door his phone began to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket to see that Parker was calling him on Face Time.

"Ah, fuck."

He said to himself. He accepted the call as he put his bag of items on the dresser drawers and layed on his stomach at the foot of the bed.

"Hey man."

"Hey, did you make it to LA okay?"

"Yeah dude, no need to worry. I'm fine. Also, I have a question for you."

"Okay, ask."

"What exactly are we? Like, we dating or...?"

"I mean, we've never officially asked one another out, but..."

Parker shrugged.

'Ugh, I guess I can do Ridgway this one favor...'

Dark thought to himself.

"Parker, wanna be my boyfriend?"

Dark asked. Dark was honestly disgusted doing this, he isn't the loveable type.

"Of course Jess! I love you!"

Parker exclaimed in excitement. Dark gave a lazy grin.

"Yeah, you too Park."

Parker looked in the background on Jesse's end of the camera and noticed something was off. He looked at the grocery bag on the dresser drawers and seen what looked like a case of beer.

"Jesse, whats in that bag on the drawers dude?"

Dark looked over his shoulder and saw what he was referring to.

"Oh, just some uhmm..."

"Jesse, is that beer?"

He sighed and nodded slowly at Parker. He hoped Parker wouldn't make a big deal about it, but he knew deep down he would, seeing as how he is protective of the real Jesse.

"Jesse, you haven't drank any alcohol since your head injury. Why now man?"

He layed there in silence, thinking of what to answer with.

"Know what... Because I fucking can, and maybe I kinda fucking miss it. It's no big deal, really. So don't go getting all fucking worked up and shit, okay?"

"Whoa, chill man. I wasn't gonna make a big deal of it, I just don't want you to get aggressively drunk. You haven't had one in years, so there's no telling how your body is gonna react."

Dark rolled his eyes at his now boyfriend in hoping he'd shut the fuck up. Unfortunately for him, Parker worries about his partner. Or who he thinks is his partner.

"Alright man. I gotta go, okay?"

"Okay Jess. I love you."

"Yeah, y-you too man."

Dark hung up with Parker.
Dark was in the hotel room watching tv and was on his 8th beer already. There were beer bottles all over the night stand and Dark was hammered.

"Be ready Jesse Ridgway, I'm destroying your body as we speak."

He said aloud to himself. Dark can feel all the pain that he's causing to Jesse's body, but Dark was able to endure it since it isn't his real body.

He was beginning to struggle with staying conscious and was starting to feel sick to his stomach. He ran to the bathroom and sat on the floor with his head in the toilet as he purged.
I was worried about Jesse. He hasn't drank alcohol in years. Why was he starting back all of a sudden? Maybe I should call him. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and decided to call him up. He answered on the third ring.

"Yo dude!"

"Hey man."

"What's up?"

"Just... Filming. You?"

I could tell he was lying. He wasn't filming at all. I could hear glass bottles on his end of the call, so he had to be cleaning the beer bottles up or something.

"Jess, why does it sound like beer bottles on your end?"

"Dude, why do you have to know my business all the fucking time?!"

He yelled at me. I just rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Yeah, go ahead and sigh. There a reason you called or did you just wanna know my business?"

"I just called to check on my boyfriend, my fucking bad though."

"Well, someone is salty, hmm?"

"Alright, I'll talk to you later."

"Mkay bye."

He hung up before I could even say love you. I'm debating on going to LA myself to see what he's really doing. Then again, that'd make him even more pissed. I sighed and threw myself on my bed and curled up into fetal position. I could easily break down into tears at this point, and I wanted to. I was just worried about Jesse but he is being a complete ass.

K this shouldn't have taken this long to upload but I'm basically pissed off at everyone and splitting. My abuser and his fuck boy were harassing me along with othe people that fucking worship them. K rant is over... Idk when I'll upload the next chapter.

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