"What's Wrong?"

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Fuck. Jesse was having stomach problems again and I honestly didn't know what to do. I'm glad that he was asleep right now so he couldn't feel anything, but I feel like he's gonna be in pain again when he wakes up. He still had his head laying on my stomach and he felt like he had a fever. I grabbed the thermometer off the nightstand on my side to see if he had one for sure or not.

"Jesse. Babe, here. You need to take your temperature, then you can go back to sleep, okay?"

He nodded his head lazily and held the thermometer in his mouth. It ended up being 101.5.

"Shit, you've got a fever Jes."

I put the thermometer back on the nightstand as Jesse buried his face into my stomach. I petted the back of his neck and I noticed him breathing weirdly.

"Jes, are you good?"

I asked him.

"No, I feel like something is trying to take over. My insides are fucking burning."

What the fuck is going on? I was getting seriously worried about what was going on with him.

"You're such a little bitch Ridgway, haha."

I heard Jesse say.


"Oh, hey Zippy. Long time no see, huh?"

Oh great, Isaac was back and taking Jesse over.

"Isaac? Why are you bothering Jesse?"

I asked him.

"Because he's a winey little bitch."

"How exactly?"

"Whining about how he doesn't feel good and how he needs a break from YouTube. All that bullshit."

"He works fucking hard to get his videos out to his fans. You should know that. You were making some yourself, right? As for him not feeling good, anyone in this much pain would be in tears."

I explained to him.

"Give me my boyfriend back Isaac."

I demanded.

"Oh come on Zippy. Don't you remember when I was your boyfriend?"

Damn, he had to fucking remind me? That was a horrible experience too.

"Yep, and I regret it every single day."

I tell him.

"Ouch, that hurts Zippy. Really, it does."

"I notice you're still laying on me, you should really get the fuck off me dude."

"Ah, see, that's the thing. Seems I wasn't able to take over Ridgway's entire body this time. I only have enough control over him to talk and move my head."

I wanted Jes back. I was not going through this shit again with Isaac!

"Wait, are you the reason he isn't feeling good?"

I asked the emo prick.

"Not completely. If anything, I'd just be causing him a major headache, and he's been complaining about his stomach, correct?"


"That's not my doing."

I gritted my teeth in anger. This fuck ass needed to leave Jesse alone.

"Dude, leave! Give Jesse back!"

"Hahaha, relax Zippy. I'll go, but just remember that I'm always watching."
After Isaac left, it was really quiet. Jesse was still asleep on me and I was on the verge of freaking out. My breathing got heavier and I was getting nauseas and shaking violently. I guess my anxiety was taking over, which is never good for me. I felt tears pouring down my face. I grabbed Jesse's hand and held it tight as I tried to curl around him, waking him up in the process.


I heard him, but it was hard to even speak.

"Parker, are you having an anxiety attack?"

He asked me as he struggled to get up. I guess he was still in pain. He put his hand on my shoulder and his other hand he went through my hair with.

"Babe, what's wrong? I can't read your mind Parker, you gotta tell me."

"Anxiety is fucking me over..."

I said with a broken voice.
Parker was having an anxiety attack and it was actually scary. I felt tears pouring down my face.

"Parker, what happened when I was asleep?"

He looked at me straight in the eye for a few seconds, then his hand flew over his mouth and his eyes closed.

"Feel sick?"

I asked as he uncovered his mouth and finally got some words out.

"Yeah. I'm fine..."

"You don't look fine baby. Are you sure you're okay?"

He shook his head no and he curled up closer to me. I rubbed the back of his neck and it seemed to calm him down and relax a bit.

"You gonna tell me what happened now?"

I asked him again.

"Isaac took you over..."

"What?! Oh my god... Parker I'm so sorry..."

"No, he didn't do anything that bad. But right before he left he said that he's always watching, and when he was gone it got dead silent. You were still asleep and the silence and him saying that freaked me out..."

Isaac was really fucking with Parker, bad enough to give him a panic attack this damn bad. I hate that I don't have any good control over that prick. I brushed Park's hair back with my hand and looked at him in the eyes.

"It's gonna be okay babe. I'm so sorry that happened."

I leaned down and kissed him on the cheek and rubbed under his chin lightly with my fingers.

"Is your stomach feeling any better?"

He asked me. I honestly still felt really nauseas, but I know he did too. He usually does during and for awhile after an attack.

"Still feels sick, but I'm fine. I'm more worried about you."

Park groaned in pain and was still shaking pretty bad and he looked really tired and pale.

"Love you Jes."

"I love you too Park. Are you okay now?"

"Mhm. Just want the nausea and shaking to stop."

I laid down and snuggled up to him as close as I could and kissed him on the lips. He wrapped his arms around me like he was protecting me from something. We intertwined our legs together and dozed off soon afterwards. I couldn't stop thinking about Isaac taking over and saying shit to Parker. It upset me that I couldn't do anything to stop him from being a dick. That's something I need to work on.

Isaac, wtf man. You need to take a seat my dude.

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