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~Time skip two weeks~
Today, Jesse wanted to get back to uploading videos. The Juggies have been missing him and curious as to where we've been. Neither one of us have been on Twitter for awhile either. Wouldn't be surprised if the Juggies thought we were dead.

"What are we filming today man?"

I asked Jesse as we walked out to the garage.

"Not entirely sure yet, but my mom wants us to get pictures of all this new merch for the Juggie Store."

"Then I should probably go get the camera, be right back."

I ran off back inside to get Jesse's camera to take new merch pictures. I went ahead and turned on the camera and started recording.

"Hey there Juggies, it's your old pal Parker here."

I used my boyfriend's intro as I began filming.

"We're so sorry that Jesse and I have been gone for so long and haven't even updated y'all, but we're here now! Jesse and I are actually about to have a photo shoot for some new merch for the Juggie Store!"

I announced. I got back out to the garage and seen Jesse looking for a spot to set up for the photo shoot. I had forgot that he actually didn't have the the game room anymore, so we'd probably have to move all this.

"Jesse, say hey to the Juggies man."

"Oh shit, you're already filming? Hey there Juggies, it's your old pal McJuggerNuggets here. I'm sorry that Park and I haven't updated you guys. A lot has happened, and we will discuss all that later."

I, as always, held the camera and filmed Jesse as he did his intro and said what he needed to say.

"Uhm... Yeah, so I forgot about the room being gone, haha!"

Jesse laughed.

"I was just telling them that I forgot about it too. There's plenty of space in the basement."

I suggested. Jes agreed and we headed to the basement. After we got down there, we set everything up in the guest room.

"Here Park, I'll take the camera while you get your stuff out."

"Thanks babe."

I said, handing him the camera.
I took my camera from Parker while he got his out.

"Juggies, while Parker is setting up his camera, I have a few announcements. For one, brand new Juggie merch on the Etsy site. By the time you're watching this, they'll be up on the site."

I didn't know whether or not to announce mine and Parker's new relationship status. I turned around and watched Parker put the batteries in his camera.

"Dude, you take forever!"

I joked with him.

"I'm waiting on you. I thought you were still announcing shit."

He replied.

"I mean... I wanna do the other one with you."

I smiled at him and he smiled back. He knew what I was referring to, so he stood by me and put his arm around me.

"Juggies, another announcement... Parker and I are officially dating."

I said smiling as Parker kissed my face.

"Yep! We're boyfriends now!"

"Ready for photo shoot?"


I put my camera on a tripod and put on one of the new merch hoodies. I started acting all dumb and letting Parker take random shitty pictures of me before we had to do serious ones. He showed me the one he just took and I actually liked it.

"That's kinda adorable."

I told him.

"You're always adorable man."

He replied. I felt my cheeks get hot and a grin krept onto my face. I grabbed my camera off the tripod and held it up to get me and Parker in the frame.

"Juggies, this fucking dork right here is the cutest fucking dork ever."

I said into the camera as Parker turned my head to kiss me on the lips.  I can't resist his sweet kisses.

"Thanks babe."

He said looking straight into my eyes. His eyes were just glimmering with joy it seemed. I forgot I was holding the camera for a second and almost dropped it.

"Oh shit! Oh my god, sorry Juggies! I got distracted!"
Jesse almost dropped the camera just now, and that would not have been good. He paced around the basement as he spoke more to the Juggies while I stood in the door way of the guest room, watching him. I felt myself blushing and I started getting butterflies in my stomach as always when he's around. I followed him as he kept pacing around with the camera still. I grabbed him from behind and smiled into the lense of the camera.

"There's the boy."

Jesse said to the Juggies.

"Did you tell them about what we had to have done?"

I asked him.


I bit my lip and nodded my head, remembering all the pain Jes and I were both in.
Jesse just closed off his video as I packed up my photo shoot equipment. I sat in the chair and watched as Jesse paced back and forth with his hands on his hips under his shirt, like he always does.

"Dude, you good?"

I asked him as he slowly paced. He nodded his head, but I could see he wasn't.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

He didn't answer still. He stopped and stood there as he put most of his weight on one leg. Then, I saw his hand go up to his stomach. Fuck...

"Feel sick?"


I got up and grabbed his hand to take him back upstairs. We left our cameras and all in the basement for now.

"Why are you so sick lately?"

I asked him. I knew he didn't actually know.

"I don't know, but it's fucking annoying."

We got into the room and we sat on the edge of the bed.

"Maybe we just need to rip out all of your organs."

I tried to joke with him, but he put his hand over his mouth real fast and he shut his eyes tight.

"Shit, you okay babe?"

"I feel so weird dude..."

I rubbed his back to soothe him and furrowed my brows at why he was feeling weird.

"What do you mean babe? You've had a stomach bug before."

"No, like... I don't understand why I feel like this and my body just feels really weird. I can't explain it."

I got up and got comfortable on the bed and got Jesse to lay his head on me and turn on the tv. He laid his head on my stomach while I rubbed his.

Oh shit. What's happening to Jesse? 😈😉
Make him feel better Park!

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